I'm back in Hali, but not online in any meaningful way just yet. Got a FABULOUS present in the mail from
sagitare this morning, am halfway through chapter 5 in my transcription of the Kowalski mystery (I'm incorporating edits as I go and feeling pretty chipper about the results) and spent an hour or so fooling with my guitar last night while watching those Olympic DVDs (the event coverage is much the best of the three.) The cats had a nice visit with the catsitter, but were happy to see me again. My ankle is improved enough that I can drive, although I'm leaving the wrap on for the moment. It was snowing hard when I got in on Saturday night but we had a snowkiller fog yesterday that got rid of a lot of it.
And now I'm off to see Mitzi. Then I'll pick up a grocery or two.
Comments, responses, et cetera will come, honest! Just not today!