Quick weekend update

Sep 08, 2014 08:18

I had kind of a busy weekend doing house-y stuff, but I have to go teach a class in a short time so for now I'll just mention that I finished off the weekend by finally seeing Guardians Of the Galaxy. I'm in sort of the same position I was with Men In Black some years ago: since I'm seeing it late I've heard nothing except how super-awesome it is, which is hard to live up to. Fortunately this time I had the sense to take all that with a grain of salt and not build up my expectations to Avengers levels, so I liked it. And I pretty much loved Groot all the way through (when I checked online for a character bio, it turns out he was originally kind of an antagonist, but Marvel took that back very quickly. He's a tree, guys. Trees are by their very nature good guys.)

I was really, really glad a post on FandomSecrets spoiled the first five minutes for me--I cried anyway.

There are Calvin & Hobbes-themed Rocket & Groot images floating around the Web that now make a whole lot of sense.

Dancing Groot on the big screen was almost worth the price of the ticket all by himself. Definitely the price of the popcorn.

Although, now that I've seen the movie, I am totally on-board with this "How GOTG Should Have Ended" comic and wish it was true. That would have been amazing.


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