Short clip from the Jonathan Ross show, which includes Bono telling the story of the time Edge hit him. (Somewhere,
Noel and Liam Gallagher are sneering, "Only once? Lightweights!") I find myself greatly amused by Bono's cackling glee, although I figure we can take it as read that he wouldn't find it anywhere near as funny if there had ever been a repeat performance. I also wonder how long it took before Bono began to find this the Funniest Story Ever. (Their friends, on the other hand--"Edge did what?"--probably began laughing almost immediately.)
Edge's efforts to come up with an excuse for the blowup are mostly funny because he's actually making excuses for Bono, because if Bono had not been trying to kill Larry at the time, Edge never would have hit him. Normally I do not accept "look what you made me do!" as an excuse, but I make an exception when Character A hits Character B solely to stop him from clobbering Character C.
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I also find it hilarious when Ross asks if they've ever come to blows again, and Edge replies jokingly that Bono has never pushed him that far since, and Bono assures everyone that now he doesn't sit quite so close to Edge anymore. It's only funny because, based on their relative positions, apparently Bono used to sit in Edge's lap.
I dunno, it's Friday. I feel silly.