Final comment on Internet dramaz!

Feb 15, 2011 18:14

And it's really not about the dramaz.

Just before I checked out of that nasty discussion for good, someone posted the spectacularly helpful comment, "That horse should have been in a better/more skilled home in the first place."

Ah, yes. Because the best homes are *lining up* to take in physically and mentally unsound, troubled horses in their teens! Of course they are!

You know what? That horse was in the home he was in because *that was the home that cared about him and wanted to help him.* Sure, it's possible a better home could have been found.

It's also possible--LIKELY--he could have ended up someplace much worse.

The first year I had Mitzi, I worried a lot that I was the wrong home, a not-good-enough home. And really, she does deserve a better owner. But. I got her to a trainer to help cure her fears, I have her at a barn where she is safe and happy and treated like a princess (or at the very least a movie star), I take lessons and make allowances for her quirks. A lot of possible owners she could have gotten would not have my patience and commitment and good fortune in finding her a good barn and trainer.

A lot of my LJ friends are horse people, and I often see posts from them saying "oh noes, I am not good enough!"

Well, guess what, sunshine? You're sticking with training or working on rehab or figuring out how to get through to this horse. Sure, your horse could have a "better" home. But he or she could much more easily have a worse one. You are the one who's committed to that horse and doing your best and not quitting.

And that, my friends, is a good home.

lj, rants, horses, friends

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