Deja vu is disconcerting.

Sep 11, 2008 19:15

Last night I was sitting on my bed, in my room, reading Tale of Two Cities for Historical Fiction, when I had the strongest deja vu of my life. Suddenly I had been exactly where I was before. I had been sitting on my bed, reading that exact section of Tale of Two Cities for a lit class with Marcia, able to see my door and the alcove-y thing it's in and the yellow color of the walls if I looked up. The whole thing was something I had experienced before, down to the way I was sitting with my legs crossed and my shoulders sore from hunching over to read. It was the most surreal and beautiful and terrifying experience I've ever had. I actually started crying, and I'm still not sure quite why.

So I ran out of my room, shouting for my mother, who just happened to be standing in the hallway, and threw myself at her and sobbed. Which, of course, made her freak out. It took her several minutes to get me to explain what had happened. Then it took a good ten minutes at least for me to calm down enough to continue with my homework.

See, I believe in this theory that there are multiple, different realities, based on the decisions we make and the lives we lead. And I think that deja vu is what happens when those realities converge. I also think it's a sign that you're in the right place at the right time - that you're exactly where you're supposed to be in life. That was a really good thing to happen to me last night, because it was the first time in over a week that I'd started to feel stressed out and overwhelmed. To know that I was right where I was supposed to be was comforting, and after my deja vu, I did everything that I needed to do and stopped worrying about it.

Now everything's back to the norm (at least, lately), and I'm happy again. I have been almost two weeks straight. Life is good.

Lots of love,
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