Happy birthday, Jim! (...or, WELCOME TO THE SCHMOOPFEST.)

Mar 22, 2013 03:35

Link to us!
http://condition-green.livejournal.com/9865.html" target="_blank">http://i517.photobucket.com/albums/u333/simplecoffee/jimfestbanner_zps577bed3e.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo jimfestbanner_zps577bed3e.jpg"/>
Or here on tumblr. :D

So it's the birthday of our favourite golden cap'n. Happy birthday, Jim! And to William Shatner, of course. ;) (Shh, it is the 22nd where I live! :P)  And in honour of the occasion, and in view of the fact that there really is never enough comfort for Jim...welcome to the first annual condition_green TOS Jim-centric schmoop/comfortfest. :D
This is in fact exactly what it says on the tin. The comments are officially a free-for-all: fic, art, gifs, prompts, plotbunnies, meta, recs, discussions of your own WIPs, speculation related to our tags, general happy thoughts, ANYTHING is game - if it's Jim-centric and comforty, by all means share it! :D

(Oh, and we're keeping it to a week because we might make a masterlist of contributions at the end of that week. *wink wink*)

To start things off, here's a fraction of tsilvy's personal comforty reclist! :D

The Life-Book of Captain Jim (chapter 1) by escape_vitriol (which is me! *blush*)
Before I Sleep by kcscribbler

Bewildered and Sleeping Beauty by Emushi
I love captain Kirk by Hifila
Kirk and Tribble by Ayumi-Lemura
Fascinating by Ayaluna
Real man by simengt
The art of puppy eyes by kcscribbler
Heal by landersova

I shall make my own recs and also post some h/c-y icons once I'm back from college (and therefore significantly less harried) this evening. :D

.fun stuff, [genre: fluff], .rec(s), .fic, .art, .vid(s), #meme: commentmeme, .other media, .graphics (gif/wallpaper/picspam/etc), .icon(s), #meme

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