Title: Lesson Five
Series: Insontis
Rating: G
Characters: (this bit) McCoy, bb!Spock
Word Count: (this bit) 2817
Warnings: Crack. Quite ghastly amounts of fluff. Written by me. Utter lack of plot. It's not meant to be real fic, it's not even meant to necessarily be IC, since one of the protagonists literally is not in character.
Summary: Starfleet Command and the Federation have become interested in the Insonti technology which transformed their most prominent starship captain into an infant some weeks previous. The Enterprise has been handed the assignment of performing further research into the device, while developing a deeper rapport with this as-yet non-Federation planet, in the hopes of producing an allegiance between the Insonti people and the Federation.
This Bit Summary: In which tiny!Spock saves the day and learns a lesson about fear. Oh, and I electrocute our poor Captain.
A/N: I wanted to write something Trek-related in honor of William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy's birthdays this week, and this turned out actually not even having much Kirk in it directly...but oh well. Here it be. Mods, there is Kirk!whump, though it's not central to this particular story; if it's not enough to qualify for this comm please feel free to delete.
Chronological Order of This 'Verse:
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NEW: Lesson Five