
Jun 06, 2012 19:50


+ little_details - a wonderful community that answers questions you can't find by average research methods. Make sure you follow the rules before posting.

+ Etymology dictionary - Find out the origin of a word and when it was first used.

+ Roget's Thesaurus - A classic resource when you just can't think of a word or want something out of the common way.


+ Name Berry - baby names, lists, and interesting little factoids about names.

+ Baby Names - baby name lists by country of origin

+ Fantasy Name generator - I really like this name generator because it allows you to choose the country of origin that the name will sound like without being too much like Earth.

Books on Writing:

+ Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott - I loved this book. She talks about the neuroses of being a writer, and allowing yourself to write "sh*tty first drafts" and how it's important to just write something even if no one will ever read it. I need to reread this one, it was that good.

+ On Writing by Steven King - Love or hate his writing, you can't deny that he's been a huge commercial success. Also a very good book and I'm not a huge King fan as a rule.

+ Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury


+ Writing Excuses - The most useful writing podcast I've ever listened to as well as being in nice, listenable chunks. Hosted by bestselling fantasy author Brandon Sanderson.


+ Seventh Sanctum - a website with a lot of random generators, like name and plot generators. Good for ideas.

+ Write About Dragons - a series of creative writing class lectures by bestselling fantasy author Brandon Sanderson. Next best thing to actually sitting in his class.

+ Huge list of links of resources

+ Town name generator

+ List of writing prompt generators

If you have other resources that have helped you, post in the comments with a link and a brief description.


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