Achieve this coloring
In Photoshop 7.
Used: A few very simple layers/Selective coloring
(sorry PSP users!)
First, prep your image.
(I duplicated my base image three times, setting the first layer to multiply and the last two to screen...
you do whatever you feel is best for your image)
Create a new layer and fill it with FFCE23. Set it to Soft Light at 100%
Create a Selective Coloring layer
(Layers > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Coloring)
and put in these settings:
REDS: -100 // 42 // -36 // 0
YELLOWS: -35 // -8 // -35 // 0
NEUTRALS: 39 // -2 // -38 // 0
Create one Selective Coloring layer with these settings:
REDS: -31 // -31 // 52 // 0
YELLOWS: -100 // -23 // -34 // 0
CYANS: 17 // -8 // -77 // 0
NEUTRALS: 0 // -6 // 2 // 0
And we are done! You can sharpen your image/add text/ whatever you would like.
Let me know what you thought of the tut...
I would LOVE to see your results.