Jul 11, 2005 20:47
hello all. how goes it? things are good over here. for all of you who don't know I'm still in Arlington, Texas. having a blast and learning a lot, but home in two weeks will be nice.
basically i can't wait to get home because i get to take everything i've learned here back with me. that's the exciting part. guess i'll have to elaborate on that later.
my roommate is Sarah, she's from California. pretty cool girl. the other summer missionaries are cool. so i guess this is a vague entry, but it's also 11 pm, and 11 pm here feels like 3am...because i'm just that tired. we are constantly busy here, and it's a good busy if that makes sense. it's hot and the hours are looong, and sometimes the people aren't nice, but it's good stuff. i came here so that i could learn how to serve others and i have done just that. it's...amazing.
i should go now. early morning.