Mar 20, 2008 07:14
I have to share this email we received...
fuckind pisst off i have bout number 7 (PRODUCT) and when i get home and load it it says the it had three and all had been used that was thrity dollars down they said i opend it they cant take it back well someone else open and use and returned it bull shit cant u guys do a better job sealing the box besides a little sticker on top so no more about that now i whet out and got number 8 (product) thrty some bucks and so did my son and guess what it asks for a sreal code to run the dam thing and their is not one in the box and it has the same little sticker holding the box shut come on are you so chep that you cant even rap the hole box so some can tell they have been open and gone throuw now we spent 90 bucks and still cant use your product i want to use it it heard good things about it but at this ponit ya right it the last choses now sorry about my spelling but i am heted frecking out venting i dont want my money back i just want the sereal code to run the dam thing i have all the recits from target what do i do i need it now my comp is on last leg