havent updated this thing in forever.
i swear my livejournal is so dead it's been reincarnated as my myspace
um, stuff, tablets are amazing (for photoshop) and i wish i was back at school so i could use/abuse the one in ms. miles' room.
ah, actually, upon second thought, i wish i had a nice tablet of my own
has spring break always been so...blah? like, after mel and jenny ko left, i just kind of sat down and felt all 'well...now what?'
AE was pretty uneventful, saw a handful of people, cool magazine, stuff, you know
oh yes! i am determined to do a piece on the tablet of Erin as a kappa because she is utterly darling ::less than three::
me, looking ridiculous...there were about 3 more pictures of me on rising sun, but i look horrid. so horrid not even my mad photoshop skillz (note 'z') could save them
jenny ko, like harry potter cept not, my main lolita squeeze, looking utterly darling ::huggles::
and look at us there, quite the couple, ne?
i dunno, i'm just kind of bored and babysitting...i figure i'll just sit them down in front of "howl's moving castle" for the bazillionth time in the past 3 days and tell them to shut up.
oh right, and because i know none of you out there in the interweb care in the least, i just wanted to make it totally clear that i'm postingno photos of myself in the Sakura cosplay because i feel i look ridiculous
the end
enjoy your lives!