Dec 30, 2005 14:02
so, in the past few days (since monday i mean) i have read Anansi Boys (Gaiman), Neverwhere (Gaiman again), and The Book of Imaginary Beings (Jorge Luis Borges).
i´ve kind of just been reading.
a lot
but i like it better that way
i´ve also been shopping, much fun. there was this amazing indian shop (indian from India i mean) with awesome ethnic clothes and jewelry. um, really good smelling i bought some, and a necklace with Ganesha (elephant god = much love). going back later on (with money) to get a shirt i think.
a really swanky shop called ¨SHOGA¨ which is more or less the most expensive store in antigua. got a shirt there, going back.
fun fun fun
my cousin´s getting married today. helped her with stuff, now i´m killing time.
my head hurts from reading so much.
i´ve been eating a lot, a really good restaurants. like ´la fonda´ and ´fridas´and ´cenicientas´
i have, thus, gained rather a lot of weight. i think
reading? oh right, yea, said that
brain hurts.
i think i wanna write a book. about mirrors. my bed is next to one. i think it makes my eyes change color. i like books. what would it be like on the other side of the mirror? um...or maybe about this doll boy, i all ready kind of wrote about him. maybe i´ll post it later
stuff later
big party tonight, wedding.
something is wrong with my brain?
oh dear, the keyboard is chewing on my fingers...
baka green i sauntering vaguely off...maybe limited seating and dancing feet