IT IS BAAAAAAACKKKKKKKK!!!! thank you thank you thank you rosie dearest for giving me what could possibly have been the best bit of information IN MY LIFE!!
::humps computer::
::starts dancing around room with draco singing "it's baaack it's baaack it's baaaack::
::draco suddenly stops twirling::
Draco: what is?
Emmie: IT is!!
D: what is 'it' ?
E: THIS!! ::throws laptop at him::
D: ::saw this coming::
::the laptop magically flies back onto the dest and is saved from sudden death by tile floor::
D: ::looks at screen::
E: WEEEEEEEE!!! isnt it the most splendiforous thing you ever have layed eyes on?!?!
D: ::seems to think about this, starts to shake head and blushes:: um, sure
E: ::jumps draco in a her normal non-fangirl, crazy-jumping-person way:: I'M SOOO HAPPY!!!
D: and i'm happy for you...i think....
::still doesnt get it, continues to stare at screen::
D: oh dammit emmie, just tell me what the fuck i'm supposed to be looking at!!
E: ::big breath and wide grin::
D: oh....SHIT
what do you MEAN 'what is PSA?' ::snarly::
::calms down:: PSA is the absolute bestest thing EVER. it is also a large archive of Harry Potter slash fanfiction and fanart. if you dont know what slash is....::sniggers:: well, you may not want to know. and if you dont know what Harry Potter is, shame on you! your life is pointless....
if you dont know what FANFICTION is, well then, , ahaha, i mean, you should find out. and if you do know what fanfiction is, but dont know how to get started writing any, draco can help you out here:
http://glassesreflect.net/hd/idiotsguide.php yes, that IS part of the wonder that is PSA
looooove looooove looooove looooooooove
today is a happy day
emmie got home from drama which is always fun after a nice snog session in the parking lot ::manic laughter insert here:: and cuddly time with lauren ::which was the BEST:: and took a warm shower and got all clean and happy. she did homework while eating soup and while online checking creekconnect (she has 4 As and 3 Bs which sucks) rosie gave her the most splendid news in the WORLD that PSA is back.
emmie always asks rosie whether or not PSA is back up (it's been down for a while because of australian censoring laws or something of the sort) and it never is, until today!!
now she's going to watch Billy Elliot, which makes her especially happy because Billy is a wonderful dancer and his friend Michael is yaoi in the making ::griiiinn::
::you can hear draco in the bathroom bitching about his father raping him in fandom world and how it isnt rape if you consent::
E: hahaha, that's right, tell 'em Draco! You cant rape the willing! ::shakes head and laughs:: kids these days...
for enjoyment people! (of slashers that is, if you think you'll be offended, too bad, you're missing out) you also have to know "Rocky Horror Picture Show", else you may not get it..ehehe.....i about pissed my pants when i read who played Frank...
http://glassesreflect.net/hd/smilethatwillmean.php BAKA GREEN IS BLASTING OFF AGAAAAAAAAIIIN!!!
::in the dark as the screen fades away, you can hear draco softly singing 'let's do the time warp agaaaaain' and something that sounds oddly like tiny feet clad in tap shoes clicking on tile floor in time to the song::