(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 18:53

My floor has a new MTL (Military Training Leader) in charge of us--nice lady by the name of SSgt Reynolds. After PRT (Physical Readiness Training) we had a floor meeting and she outlined for us some of her expectations, mainly as far as cleanliness goes. She'll be randomly inspecting our floor once a week, and had some tips about specific areas we should look at--namely, under our beds. So being the good little Airman I am, when I had a free moment I grabbed a vacuum, brought it to my room, and hauled one of the beds out of the way.

My word. I don't know how long it's been since those dismal squares of carpet saw the business end of a Hoover, but let me put it this way: the dust motes were building pyramids. I think that place should be dubbed The Land That Clean Forgot. I had better freakin' pass my room inspection this week--I destroyed an entire civilization for the sake of Air Force cleanliness. To the creatures under my bed, I would now be known as Krath'nor, Destroyer of Worlds...if there were any survivors left to speak my name.

But the entropic denizens beneath my bed will be back, for Dust Accumulation is the one power in my world that can never be stopped--only driven back again and again. If someone could find a way to harness this bizarre energy source, we'd never have to worry about power again.


(Later: I PASSED! One demerit (on my sink) out of a permissible seven!)

writing, air force, humor

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