
Feb 12, 2007 01:01

I have a question for the Internet. Hear me, mighty groupmind, and answer!

Apparently we Airmen are expected to dust our rooms once in a while. After performing this unpleasant activity, I have discovered that application of a washcloth or similar dust-displacing apparatus transmogrifies that nice, settled, comfortably-thick layer of dust into a floating, choking, toxic cloud.

The question: Where is all that dust supposed to go? You displace it, it floats for a few moments, and the part that doesn't end up in your lungs has to float down again somewhere. Isn't it just going to float right down to the area you just dusted (albeit over a wider surface area), making this activity pointless at best and pointlessly hazardous at worst? Whence goes displaced dust?

Is it the carpet? That's my theory. After a few rounds of being relocated to lower and lower surfaces, dust is bound to wind up deep in the carpet shag. Is that the final resting place of dust? I figure a good carpet might be able to soak up 50 years or so of dust before needing to be professionally cleaned.

That's why we have carpets. They make food stains harder to see, they dampen sound, and they act as a dust sink.

...So where does dust come from, then? Is dust a natural byproduct of people, like farts, stupidity, and carbon dioxide? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

questions for the internet, writing

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