Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Lean Pockets. Every single day.
They taste so good! And they're so easy to make! And they require no utensils!
Literary: Comic books. They mean so little, but they're so fun to read.Audiovisual: Nothing really comes to mind. I have four seasons of Alias to burn through! Happy day!
Musical: None of my playlists work right now. I wiped my iTunes metadata while upgrading to Vista. Woe. D:
Celebrity: I am celebrity-guilt free, because I follow no celebrities. :D
Now I tag:-
sosiqui biomusician tg_static madmarty and
winterlady to complete this same
(Truly, this quiz is cursed with inadequate design, coding, and basic respect for grammar. I have adjusted it, that it might be fit for display on my journal.)