[fanfiction[ First Bite 1/102992

Jan 16, 2010 19:53

Title: twilightrose2 
Character(s) or Pairing(s): fem!Francis/vampire!Arthur fem!Antonio/vampire!Gilbert
Rating: M (this is a srs bsns fic, lyke, fangs srs.)
Summary: Francis Bonnefoy is a studious, book-loving high school senior whose safe world is turned upside down when she's drawn to the hero of the story, Arthur Kirkland, and immortal vampire whose dangerous 'unlife' is both frightening and fascinating. Their friends Antonio and Gilbert advise and support this starcrossed pair as they begin a turbulent.
Note: this is my srs vampire fic you gais. no prepz/ sry its not all done. Im swampe with skool and can onlly write certain parts now. sorryssszzzzz fangs though!

scene 1 - Francis and Artie meet in a library (leik, I took foreverz on this scene)

Francis could feel the heavy shelves wobble and tilt precariously. Before she could even think of escaping out from underneath, she heard the sound of sudden footsteps and the slap of wood against flesh. She looked up, surprised. A young man in a dark brown leather jacket smiled at her, one arm stretched mere inches above her head as it held back the skewed bookcase.

“Pardon me,” Arthur murmured with a slight smile, and with a movement as smooth as a dancer’s, he turned and tipped the heavy bookshelves back into their proper position.

Her heart hammering, Francis scrambled to stand up. She was so shaken she nearly tottered back off her feet, but the stranger reached out to steady her, his touch lasting only seconds. But it was enough.

“Are you all right?”

Like his clothing, his voice was soft and rich. The light fell gently on him almost like an aura-very appropriate for a guardian angel, Francis thought as she pushed away some messy strands of blonde hair from her face. “Thank you,” she said after a few speechless moments, one hand patting her heart to calm herself. “Those shelves could’ve killed me.”

“You should be more careful,” he chastised lightly. “This is an old building that’s falling apart. I advise greater caution.”

“I know. I usually am-careful, I mean-but I was so happy to find this book…” Francis hugged the red leather to herself, flushing under his piercing green gaze. Why am I babbling like this? “I didn’t even know you were there. Lucky for me you were, huh? You always keep an eye out for klutzy bookworms?”

“Only when there is need, I assure you.” He smiled, teeth reflecting brightly and his broad shoulders casting a shadow over Francis. “But you do yourself an injustice. There is nothing wrong with loving books, and you are certainly no klutz.”

The word sounded wrong coming from his lips. He had a strange way of speaking, as if English weren’t his first language, although Francis couldn’t identify any accent. She grinned at his gallantry but had to blurt, “That’s ‘cause you don’t know me.”

He just smiled again and she was lost in his stare. And for a second she had an odd certainty that he’d argue, But I do know you...

Scene 2- Arthur and Gilbert talk (and omg, they so are not ghey! Whateverz... slash perv jezz)

Arthur had been staring out into the stars for a while when a familiar low voice interrupted his thoughts. “Friend, you’ve got to get over this girl.”

He whipped his head around and saw Gilbert climbing up with practiced ease onto the roof to join him. The other vampire continued, “What’s gotten into you? I’ve never seen you so taken with anyone. Especially a mortal!” Gilbert spat out the word with disgust. “They are ours for feeding. You treat this one as if she were your pet.”

“No. Francis is not a pet. I think I am in love with her.”

“Oh, I see. Forgive me if I have a hard time understanding that one, Arthur." Gilbert bared his teeth in a wicked smile. “I must say, your strength in her presence is admirable. I’m certain that I could not contain my desire to taste of her sweetness.”

Arthur shot his friend a glare that could have punctured like a dagger. “You shall not touch her!”

“Calm down. I wouldn’t dare face your wrath. But don’t you see the pointlessness of all this?”

“I’ll tell her, truly I shall. Soon.” Arthur stared up at the unforgiving night sky. “She is a modern woman. Perhaps she might understand?”

Gilbert chuckled softly. “Perhaps.”

Arthur shook his head, wincing. He did not want to tell her. He wanted to hang on to the fantasy for just a few days more, pretend to be a mortal man. Even if he could never experience the daylight as reflected in her blue eyes or see the sun dance on her blonde hair.

“What are you afraid of, Arthur? That she won’t understand, that she’ll turn and run?” Gilbert narrowed his eyes. “Or is it that you think she might accept you for what you are? Afraid of a happy ending? The great and powerful vampire, trembling over a mortal teenage girl. Amazing! Count Dracula is rolling in his grave!”

Arthur had to laugh. It was ridiculous. But still he ached. He could not tell her. Not yet.

Scene 3 - francis and Arthur are all "oh noes, we totes can't be together!!!11!" it's the angsting thing ever. I totly cut myself and cried while writing it.

“Did you enjoy the party?” Francis tilted her head and reached up a hand to remove her earrings as she watched Arthur in the mirror. That’s another myth gone. His reflection’s as visible as mine.

“Let me,” Arthur whispered, circling her ear with one night-cool finger. “Ah, the party. It was interesting. Your friend Antonio has a great deal of energy.”

“That’s one way to put it! No fear, no speedometer, no brakes. That’s what she’d say.” Francis smiled fondly. “She’s a good friend.”

“Yes.” He looked deep into the mirror, seeing something she could not find; he forgot to pretend to breathe, lost in thought. Francis waited, curious and concerned, idly admiring the line of his jaw, the sparkle of his green eyes.

A slow nod signaled his return to the moment. “Antonio has suspicions about me. About what I am.”

Francis froze. “Are you sure?”

“She seems to have held her ideas for quite some time, on little evidence. Is she one of those who romanticizes my kind? There are many who seem strangely fascinated with my fictional brethren.”

“Well, Antonio likes vampire flicks, but she’s no Goth.What exactly did she say?”

Arthur repeated the conversation verbatim. “As I said, she has little evidence, but still she persists in her conviction, and I cannot argue. She is, after all, correct about what I do.”

Francis stared at him. “Arthur?” Her voice was high and soft. “Would you show me? I mean…what you do? How you feed?”

“I would rather not.” Her face fell, and he had to look away. “If you feel it necessary, I shall. When you are certain. Not until then.” Gentle as the brush of a shadow, he stroked her cheek, kissed her, and vanished into the night, leaving her alone.

Francis lay awake long into the night, falling finally into a restless, dream-haunted sleep about Arthur where each ray of sunshine coming through the windows was first his touch, then a brand of fire, alternately pleasure and pain. She woke, sweating and chilled, wondering why she didn’t just turn and run away....


I know that was absolutely brilant and stuffz, you gais should elave me reviews and stuf. fangs for reading!


See what exams do to me? XD just kidding, expect some real writing up soon. Found this charming site while I was off and exploring the internets. Basically you get to put your name in where the heroine/hero's should be. And obviously my first urge was to do hetalia and... volia!

All text (c) Book By You Publishing - First Bite. You should all get your friends one for holidays.

pairing: fruk

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