
Jul 11, 2009 21:47

So I've made a new layout. It's been a while, but I wanted a change and I finally got the motivation yesterday. Though, it only looks perfect in Firefox, which is a pain. I've wanted a layout with rounded corners for ages and can't be bothered to mess around with images, so I just decided I'd put up with the inconsistency. The corners work in Safari and Chrome, but not completely and I don't know why. They don't work at all in Opera and IE, but I don't think it looks all bad, just odd. And very square. So yeah, I've tested as much as I can, but if anyone does see anything that looks especially dodgy, tell me please?

And briefly, about Panic. It's been nearly a week now since the news, and it just still seems so weird to me. I couldn't believe it at first, and then I was just like 'no, really?' but it's sunk in more now. I have to say, I've been way more worried about what affect it's going to have on Bandom than anything else. They were nowhere near my favourite band, and Bandom does so much more for me than music anyway.

Though I am definitely looking forward to what both pairs do now. More for what Brendon and Spencer do with Panic, than whatever Jon and Ryan do. I quite liked the snippet Spencer put up, and I can't wait for more. :)

coding makes me squee, boys in the bands

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