
Aug 27, 2009 07:42

Just posting quickly to say woe is me, I has computer issues.

I tried to install some more RAM yesterday but apparently my computer didn't like that and now somehow I have disk boot failure. I may have lost everything which has me freaking out because I have no backup because of stupidity and laziness. I have my music on my iPod, and I have pictures on there too, though only some, so at least I have that? Though, I'm still hoping it can be fixed.

My college is awesome and I'm taking it in with me today and hopefully they can salvage it. Though, it also worries me that they'll look though my files and DNW. DDD: I have thousands of fics saved on it, and videos and a bunch of other things I would be so embarrassed if people saw. Especially people I have to see regularly.

So, yeah. I'm on my dad's laptop right now and internet access is fine, so I'll still be around, hopefully. Though, the last few days he's been taking it into work with him, which is epically bad timing. I miss it already.

outside of the interwebs, am so sad

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