Uh, I'm in a rush, so no cool subject line ;)

Apr 25, 2009 12:30

I've been thinking of posting for a few days, and of course, bandom happenings finally pushed me into it:

[ @ TheSpencerSmith i love that someone is using this as there profile picture ..scary.... ? http://twitter.com/account/... # ]

…I feel so bad now, but also, ahahaha. Poor Zack, wondering why all us fangirls would use a picture of him for an icon. ;D Though, to do it for twitter is kind of stupid. Especially if you're actually going to contact one of them. :/

[ http://twitpic.com/3xh86 - Jonfire # ]

When Ryan first twittered about 'Jonfires' I sort of thought it was a typo, but now it's a thing, and it's awesome. And adorable.

[ @ brendonuriesays or maybe ill drink a bottle of so co again and you can surf me ..... again . # ]

And I feel weird about this, but my mind totally went to a dirty place when I saw this, though no one else mentioned it. you can surf me ..... again Really?

And then this awesomeness just appeared.

I won the Dreamwidth lottery the other day and I've been playing around with CSS. It's fun, but frustrating. There are only four styles so far and none are ones I love, but I'm trying. Core2 and Negatives are pretty similar but I'm preferring Negatives just because it has less icons for main links on entries. Sometimes icons are fun, but I want text for this layout. Though, it still has icons I have to keep.

And I've been keeping track of differences and thing I like don't like, and my list so far:

  • You can add a favicon via the customisation section, so even with free accounts, which is amazing. I can have my dice on DW too!
  • You can add your twitter and delicious account to your profile, along with all your IM accounts and last.fm and such. I love that.
  • I can't find anything that actually confirms or anything, but my account is set to free and my entries are showing in my journal style right now. I'm not sure if this will change when it hits open beta, but it would be cool if free accounts can have customised comment pages,
  • The look! I've heard people say that DW is really ugly and I'm sort of boggling at that. I really don't like the colour blue and I'm not a fan of the look of LJ at all, but DW is so pretty, IMO! I know it's pink/red/grey/white, but I think they actually work together, I really like it. Also, there's a purple version, and a different scheme called Celerity that's a khaki sort of colour. And then a really light, basic look.
  • The url is the same for users and communities. So it's always http://USERNAME.dreamwidth.org/ even if it's a community, which is so much easier when typing straight into the address bar.
  • It's been said a lot already, but the navbar. It adds some incredibly useful links, like for the Inbox, with an unread count, and options to reload in your style and a light format.

Not so good
  • When you click on '# comment' like, on your reading page, to see an entry, it takes you to where the comments start on an entry rather than just loading the page from the start. So the url reads http://USERNAME.dreamwidth.org/123.html#comments rather than just http://USERNAME.dreamwidth.org/123.html. It's not a huge thing, and I could just click the entry subject to get the clean url, but its' just slightly jarring. I'm used to opening clean urls with comments form then Flexi didn't have linked subjects, so I guess it will just take getting used to.
  • They just recently changed the icon images, which is actually a good thing, but I still don't like the ones they've changed to. ;) They're not completely hideous or anything, and much better than LJ images, but they just seem too big to go with the font-size. Famfamfam is shiny, but not a fave of mine.
  • Icon slots. Free accounts only get six, and even paid get far less than LJ. I'm a big icon whore, so it'll be hard for me to pick six. ;) The only thing I actually like about IJ is that free accounts get 100 icons. Why no icon love, DW?
  • If you're not logged in, or haven't set your adult content settings, journals that are set to 'view with discretion' or '18+' have the entries hidden behind a cut that reads 'You are about to view content that the journal owner has advised should be viewed with discretion.'. Even if you already said yes to the box before that, with the same message. It's quite annoying. And, even when you are logged in, the entries have a little NSFW icon next to them.

I'll probably find more for both lists as I do more, that's all I can think of right now. I haven't imported my LJ over yet, and I think I'm not going to at all. My reasoning is, most of my livejournal entries are very LJ related. And, I can't see why I would even need them on DW, when I already have the entries, and I'm not getting rid of my LJ. I just don't see the point.

I've also been thinking hard about my 'circle' over there. I don't want to just everyone from here if everyone's just going to cross-post. It'll be annoying to wade through entries I've already read on LJ, just to find the ones that are only on DW. So I'm sort of not sure who to even add at all. There are a few comms I've added that are new and interesting. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Ok, now I'm off to go food shopping, be back later. ;)

ramblings, boys in the bands, thoughts on stuff

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