tomorrowwith, and
Ready. Set. Record!!!
The Podfic Battle will begin. Full rules and guidelines
here, but the quick version is
1) Podficcer A replies to this entry with their preferences (from
here) to start their thread. Minor changes are allowed to preferences, if needed.
2) Prompter 1 replies to Podficcer A's thread with a prompt (Remember, one word/idea/pairing/character/crossover fandom. When in doubt, keeps prompts as simple and broadly interpretable as possible!)
3) Podficcer A fills said prompt with at least 100 words worth of podfic and posts it in a reply to Prompter 1's comment.
4) Podficcer A moves on to Prompter 2.
5) Prompter 1 may now give Podficcer A another prompt if they so choose, continuing on until prompts close on Saturday, August 11th at 12am EST (Friday, August 10th at 9pm PST).
6) Podficcers have until Saturday, August 11 at 12pm EST (9am PST). to post their fills.
The podficcer with the MOST fills will be the Winner! Any podficcer who fills EVERY prompt they receive will be a Survivor!
A few additional notes:
** The length of the battle is for two reasons: A) varying free time to think about your prompt and create (a work-a-day writer or a weekender), and B) varying speed of work (a tortoise or a hare).
** As the battle goes on, try to spread your prompts among the podficcers. If you see an podficcer who has completed all their prompts and there's plenty of time to the end of the battle, help them out!
** No ideas for prompts? Use resources like unfilled prompts at various comment art/fic memes and fests (even other fandoms which could be adapted).
** We request that you do not prompt podficcers to record specific stories.
** Anonymous comments are screened for the duration of the battle. Please prompt logged in.
Questions? See the first comment thread below.
EDIT: Please note that prompting is now CLOSED. Any prompts left after this time will be deleted.
EDIT 2: CEASE FIRE The podfic and fic battle is now OVER. Results will go up in the next day or two! Thank you to all participants, podficcers and prompters alike.