PLEASE READ - This list was curated for a podfic battle and as such, there are two BP lists. One is permanent, year-round permission and one where BP applied only for the battle. Please be aware of which list you're using before you assume BP. Authors on the second list should be contacted before podfic of their works is published.
If you haven’t yet seen the post, the podfic battle has begun!
In case you need the definition, here’s the simplest one: podfic is fanfiction, read aloud. Sometimes they’re read by the author, frequently they’re not, and the recordings packaged into neat MP3 bundles for sharing.
Because not all podficcers write (and because even those who do don’t always record their own works, or not their own works exclusively), the podfic community relies heavily on authors for their source material. It’s common practice to ask for permission before recording and sharing a story as podfic. This can be a time-consuming process; sometimes authors miss the PM/comment notification or acts of life interfere with timely communication and podficcers can wait days or weeks to get a “yes” or a “no” (because “no” is always an okay answer).
This kind of timeline is obviously unhelpful in a battle setting, where it’s all about getting fanworks out as quickly as possible. To that effect, I’ve compiled a list of known authors who have granted
blanket permission to record their fanworks.
Ariaautomaticdoorblitherscantarinachrisfaithalinhtbthomasimperfectcircle (Also known as: Darwin, Darwins Ape, happydork)
jadelennoxkyuuketsukirui (Also known as: kanata)
lalejandralittlemouslinglivrelibremarrrrrrr n_e_starPetra (Also known as: Petra LeMaitre, Petronelle)
rivkatscintilla10sophinisbaspuffydudstomorrowwiththeleaveswant (Also known as: shamusandstone, thegiantkiller)
thingswithwingstrascendenzaV (Also known as: marigoldabrams)
waketosleep (Also known as: stripedpetunia)
List of authors who give battle-only permission for temporary hosting
dearygirl jennynoname (Permanent archiving may be discussed on a case-by-case basis.)
0penhearts (Permanent archiving may be discussed on a case-by-case basis.)
If you’re an author, we’d love to have you on this list! There are two options to use to opt-in:
1) Blanket permission to record (permanent)
This means you’re open to anyone recording your works at any time.
2) Blanket permission to record (podfic battle)
This means you’re open to podfic battlers recording your works for the battle only and works may not be permanently archived.
Giving blanket permission generally entails:
-allowing the podficcer to upload the recording to the temporary or permanent server of their choice (, mediafire, sendspace, and personal domains are popular) and to permanent archiving at
The Audiofic Archive-allowed the podficcer to crosspost their fanwork
-ideally, that the author recognizes that the podfic is a fanwork in its own right
-the author being told when someone’s posted podfic of their story
Authors are ALWAYS credited for their writing (it’s far more likely the podficcer will omit crediting themself than you) and near-universally link back to the original written text (I’ve never seen someone to fail to do it).
If you do not explicitly give either form of blanket consent, podfic battlers must contact you and receive permission to record before they can submit a podfic as a fill.
Remember: Authors, you are not are not required to give blanket permission, or permission to record at all.
That’s all I’ve got! Please feel free to leave any questions in the comments. I’ll address them as soon as I’m able and if you do opt-in, please leave us a link to your fic masterpost!