Friends only.

Feb 16, 2020 12:00

[ this journal is in: 99% Engrish | 1% 日本語/한국어 | 9001% internet語 ]

I will add you if
※ I know you in real life & only dislike you a little
※ We are working / have worked together on something
※ We've been talking for a while online

I don't really do the "random add because you've seen me around online" thing anymore. You are, of course, free to add me but I may not add you back. I also delete "dead" journals randomly (in that case, hit me up if you want me to re-add you).

I post about
※ Nothing worthwhile because I either forget or can't be assed to update about real things
※ University (I'm a linguistics major)
※ Exploits in and around New York City
※ Making fun of any and every thing
※ How much of a sarcastic curmudgeon I am

Go HERE after I add you for my messengers and etc.

Comments are disabled because I'm not taking any new friend requests


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