Kai's Ameblog/Ameblo Tutorial [Part 4]

Aug 24, 2010 21:22

Part 4- Deleting your account (& a quick guide to email notifications)
Part 3- Posting blogs, commenting is here
Part 2- Amember & Peta is here
Part 1- Registering is here

This was a question asked in the comments of another post but like everything else in Ameba it's a little involved so I thought it deserved it's own part.

After you log in to Ameba, you should go to this page https://user.ameba.jp/leave/input.do and scroll down

On the next page, you enter your ameba ID and password, then click the button at the bottom

Next you will see this screen. It's just confirming your ID so click the button on the bottom

Next is this screen that is annoying when I want to delete an account, which asks you to fill out a questionnaire.

I didn't check any of the other answers on the last question but I suppose it would be simple enough to figure out, even if you don't know any Japanese. After you submit the questionnaire, you'll just be brought to a page asking to confirm the deletion and warning you that all your data will be lost.

Just a warning of my own: This is your last chance to back out! You will NOT be able to register to Ameba ever again with this username! If you're not 100% sure but you do at least want to stop receiving email magazines/notices from Ameba, you can go to the bottom this page (this section) and uncheck all the boxes and change all the radio buttons to 受け付けない (the right side). ;)

If you do decide to go through with deletion, you'll be brought to this next page

That's it! Your account's profile & data will be deleted in about 2-3 hours. You may also receive a couple more notification emails before the deletion is finished on Ameba's side, but that's it!

tutorial, ameba, public

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