PETER PETTIGREW: 12 April 1976

Jul 13, 2006 21:53

To: The honorable Mssr. Forthright Briggs
From: Peter Pettigrew A Student P. Pettigrew

I am a student at Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am currently dealing with the side effects of writing a paper on Animagi. My mates keep making fun of me bec- Is the animal an Animagi becomes always a defenitive statement on who they are ( Read more... )

1976, peter_pettigrew

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rabastanlestran July 14 2006, 09:42:01 UTC
Peter is wonderful! *hugs him*

I wonder what I'd be if I was an Animagi? What do you think, Peter?


pe_pettigrew July 14 2006, 20:07:07 UTC

A cat probably, since you're so fond of them. Unless there's something else you think you'd like to be.


rabastanlestran July 14 2006, 20:29:59 UTC
I think I'd make a good cat.

*stretches out, smirking*
I could curl up in people's laps and rub against them and live off cream and turkey until I die.


pe_pettigrew July 14 2006, 20:54:14 UTC
*looks off*

That wouldn't be a bad life, actually. If we could figure out how to keep that git room mate of yours from killing you off.


I bet you'd really like being scratched behind the ears.


rabastanlestran July 14 2006, 21:19:55 UTC
Yes, Reggie would be my biggest problem. But you could look after me, couldn't you? and let me sleep on your bed?

I think I'd like to be stroked better.

Rab is just in full flirt mode! So sorry, Peter!


pe_pettigrew July 14 2006, 21:27:16 UTC
*goes red*

Em, well, I'm sure we could find a place for you anyway.

*raises eyebrow*

Well wouldn't we all.

Peter will be ok. He is as yet not scarred for life. :p


rabastanlestran July 14 2006, 21:30:31 UTC
*smiles widely*
Yes? I promise not to claw your pillows.

But your not a cat. In fact, you haven't told me what animal you think you'd be!


pe_pettigrew July 14 2006, 21:53:04 UTC

It's not as if my pillows haven't already been clawed, and eaten, and shrank, and set on fire. Come to think of it, maybe living with Regulus would be more uneventful. Once we got past the whole killing me in my sleep stage.

*scratches chin*

You know, I hadn't thought of it. Something large and scary no doubt. Like a Griffin, or a winged horse...that breathes fire!


rabastanlestran July 14 2006, 21:58:33 UTC
Oh no! Living with Regulus you be sat on, screamed at, have things thrown at you. It would be dreadful! And sometimes he'd leave melted chocolate about so you step it it! Yuck!

*laughs, shaking his head*
No, you're not like that at all you'd be.
*considers this for a moment*
I don't know - maybe a horse? A big plow-horse, sturdy and hard-working.

Or, *he giggles slightly, reaching out to stroke Peter's ears* a rabbit.


pe_pettigrew July 15 2006, 01:03:45 UTC
Melted chocolate? Eww. Granted, it usually doesn't hang around our dorm long enough to melt.

*puffs up*


A...rabbit? Like the kind that hops about in bushes and gets chased by dogs?


rabastanlestran July 15 2006, 09:58:15 UTC
I don't eat it, but Regulus just devours the stuff. It's really something to see.

*still stroking his ear*

What's wrong with being a rabbit? Not a fluffy one, but like a Hare maybe?

and I would like to say to Peter - a rat may have bad connotations but at least you're not likely to get distracted by any bright shinny lights like Prongs.


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