EDGAR BONES: 14 April, 1968

Jun 27, 2006 23:58

Hi Dad! Hi Mum!

Happy Easter! I’m having the best time staying here over hols! But don’t worry, Mum, I’ve done some work. Very serious work, at that -- just before holidays began, Professor McGonagall told us that we need to think about which classes we will take next year. We have to add at least two new classes to all the old ones. Did they do it like that when you were here ages ago? I already asked if I could drop Herbology. No luck with Anyway, I've asked Ted and Len (and Amelia, too) what I should take and I think I’ve got my new classes all picked out!

I know I'm going to sign up for Ancient Runes (the way Ted described it, the translating part sounds just like cracking codes! Which would be BRILLIANT!) and I think I’m going to take Arithmancy, just to see if the numbers and patterns and such are like codes, too. And I’m definitely adding Muggle Studies. It should be interesting and hopefully then I won't have to keep asking Ted and Len dumb questions about muggle stuff all the time.

Even though a lot of people take it (and Len said she’d help me with it) I don’t think I’m going to take Care of Magical Creatures. I’m worried that What if I had the same problem with it, that I do with Herbology? I’d feel so guilty if the creatures kept dying around me, like all the plants do.

And I know I’m not going to take Divination. There’s no way you can change my mind about it, Mum. Even if you think it would be useful. Cause what if I did the gift of the Inner Eye? If I always knew the future, it’d ruin all my adventures!

So, I think that’s what I’m going to take next year. What do you think?


PS. Mum -- thanks for the Easter sweets! They were great! Thank Blinky for them, for me, too, okay?

PPS. Give this note to Oliver for me, okay? Please?

Hi Oliver!

Happy Easter!! How are you doing at home? Am I missing any excitement? It’s pretty brilliant staying here! And it definitely beats last spring when I was in trouble and Mum made me come home over Easter hols It’s too bad you’re not here -- we could have a lot of fun! Other than choosing my classes for next year, haven’t studied yet! It’s just been one adventure after another!

Don’t worry, though! Summer hols will soon be here and me and Amelia will be home. I promise I’ll tell you all about the adventures then. Plus we’ll have some of our own!


edgar_bones, 1968

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