REGULUS BLACK: 3 February, 1976

Apr 19, 2006 19:46


I’m sure you must have heard. Its great news, isn’t it? Mother and Father never need to worry about him Sirius him embarrassing them ever again. And of course you’ll know that I’m officially the heir now that he’s been after they now.

I couldn’t be happier. What if I let them down? What ifI'm a much better son than he ever was. I ( Read more... )

regulus_black, 1976

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Comments 206

rabastanlestran April 19 2006, 18:56:03 UTC
If you're the heir now does that mean you'll have more pocket money? If so, you can afford to by me something for a change. I need new quills.

You do deserve it. You are a better son than he is. You care about them, after all. He doesn't. He's just...*searches for the word invectively* stupid.

Ignore the huge brattyness that is Rabastan. *snuggles Regulus tightly* He broke my heart!


favourite_son April 19 2006, 19:35:41 UTC
Buy your own quills, Lestrange.

*pretends that he didn't hear him*
*after a long pause*
*almost inaudibly*
I know he is.

*fixes with chocolate*


rabastanlestran April 19 2006, 19:41:44 UTC
*his eyes widen for an instant and then he closes them, looking away - more hurt by the tone of Regulus's voice than his words*
Don't call me Lestrange unless you want me to call you Black, Regulus.

I'd take it back now, if I wasn't your friend.
*still doesn't look at him*
You'll have to get married now, won't you? If you're the heir.


favourite_son April 19 2006, 20:08:56 UTC
*raises his chin, feeling bad but not wanting to show it*
I shall call you what I like. Do you have a problem with that, Rabastan?

*a little childishly*
Well you are, so you can't.

*doesn't reply immediately, his voice wavering just a little when he does*
Yes. It's my duty. I'm honoured to have the responsibilty.


sholmes87 April 19 2006, 19:38:14 UTC
Yes Regulus, I heard the news. Your parents are both relived and happy. So are mine. So am I.

Now Reg, I've told you before; you're a much better son than Sirius could ever hope to be.

*flatly, looking him straight in the eye*

I didn't and don't miss Andromeda. AT! ALL!!

*ever so casually*

You don't miss Sirius, do you?


favourite_son April 19 2006, 20:14:14 UTC
*smiles, just a little, for the first time in a long while*
You are?

*nods, swallowing hard*
I am. I know I am. I would never even dream of behaving the way he has done.

*flinches slightly at her vehemence*
Of course. I shouldn't have even asked. Forgive me, cousin Bella?

*doesn't quite meet her eye*
Not at all. I have no reason to. He's no longer my brother.


sholmes87 April 19 2006, 20:56:09 UTC
Of course I'm happy! I'm ecstatic that Uncle finally did something about Sirius!

I should certainly hope not!!

There's nothing to forgive, really. I just wanted to make sure you understood. We're all far better off with them gone. Dead would be better, but people are so awkward about things like that these days.

It might help if you keep reminding yourself of that.


favourite_son April 19 2006, 21:23:01 UTC
*a little relieved*
Thank you. I still shouldn't have mentioned it.

*nods again, studying the ground intently*
Don't worry; I understand perfectly. *flatly* They have no place in a family such as ours.

I shan't forget.


stagboy April 19 2006, 21:44:30 UTC
So what do I call you now? Grand High Master of Black? The Great Chief of All That is Black?

Because I take it Reggie-kins is out of the question.


favourite_son April 19 2006, 21:54:29 UTC
*squees all over your icon in a highly embarrassing manner*

Either will do fine. I'll let you choose.

*tries to sound stern*
And when was Reggie-kins ever in the question?


stagboy April 19 2006, 21:57:24 UTC
I saw the picture and just knew he was declaring undying love to Reg in a playful manner that you know he means every word of. *g*

Well I've had to demote Sirius to plain old Padfoot. Tell me, does he get to keep the 'Black' bit? 'Cos he can have Potter if you lot are going to nick his surname off him.

*arches an eyebrow*
Are you or are you not my ickle Reggie-kins?


favourite_son April 19 2006, 22:06:04 UTC
*continues squeeing* He is! He so is! I refuse to believe otherwise. :D

*hesitates, frowning*
I think he gets to keep it. And why do you call him that stupid nickname?

*fidgets awkwardly*
*whispers, glancing around nervously*
I might be.


snakes_heart April 22 2006, 00:15:20 UTC
If you were a smart boy, you'd leave, too.


favourite_son April 23 2006, 09:24:33 UTC
If I were smart, why would I want to give up being the heir to the very best wizarding family there is? That's senseless.


snakes_heart April 26 2006, 00:43:50 UTC
Because being head of that family comes with a very high cost - one that smart wizards have learnt to avoid.


favourite_son April 26 2006, 15:14:25 UTC
What would you know of our family?


brave_phoenix April 23 2006, 04:17:08 UTC
*nods curtly in greeting*

*quietly, more kindly*
How are you today? Better than the last time we spoke?


favourite_son April 23 2006, 09:27:38 UTC
*nods in return, barely more than a tiny jerk of his head*
*isn't terribly convincing*
I'm fine, thank you. As I'm sure that I was fine last time we spoke.


brave_phoenix April 24 2006, 03:28:32 UTC

*pretends to think for a moment*
That's funny...
Cause I seem to remember you being unhappy the last time our paths crossed...


favourite_son April 24 2006, 10:32:26 UTC
Well, then clearly your memory has been modified, because I am not, and was not unhappy.

I have everything I could possibly want. I have no reason at all to be unhappy.


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