Dear Cedric,
Hello. My name is Luna Lovegood. I doubt you remember me, although we did meet once in the library. You helped me reach a book on the history of Lethifolds.
Hello. My name is Luna Lovegood. We spoke once, although you probably don't remember.
I don't know why I keep crossing out everything I write. I've never been so nervous writing a letter. Especially a letter to a dead person.
Hello, Cedric. How's death?
I'm writing because I'm sure it gets lonely at times. I haven't heard about Cho writing, and I thought you'd like to know what is going on at Hogwarts. I know my dead mother appreciates getting letters. Although we don't know each other well, I hope we can get closer through these letters. I'll be keeping an eye out for your replies.
Hogwarts has been suprisingly boring this year. No tournaments, no suprising love affairs, no hostile takeovers. Ravenclaw tower in particular has been quiet. Cho seems to have moved on a bit from everything that happened, so we don't encounter random bouts of tears during meals or study groups. Not that I ever attend the study groups, but one can always hear Cho when she cries. Katie Bell is in serious condition after being attacked by a man-eating necklace or something (rumours are flying around like impared pixies, and I haven't been able to verify the facts yet), but other than that, it's very dull.
Oh, I suppose you're interested in Quidditch, yes? Hufflepuff seems optimistic about their team this year, although I don't quite see how they can beat Gryffindor (no offense, of course, it's just that Harry Potter is brilliant, as you know). I'm pretty rubbish when it comes to following sports, so I couldn't tell you when Hufflepuff is playing everyone, but I'll be sure to keep you up to date as best I can.
Let's see. Oh! We've got a new Defense teacher (natrually!), and it's Professor Snape! Our Potions teacher is just brilliant though. His name is Slughorn--have you ever heard of him? I had; he taught my mother, you see, who was very dedicated to Potions and herbology.
Bloody hell Oh, the bell just rang, and I know I won't have time to finish this later. I shall wrap this up now, and send it off.
I hope you're doing well.
We miss you a lot
I wanted you to win
I'll write again soon.
Your friend