HOW COULD HE? That little snake! He said he was my best friend! How could he do this? Its amoral! I’ve been sick with worry imagining where Brasidas could have gotten to, who could have taken him and if he was hurt and all the time is was Regulus who’d taken him. All that time he knew and he just sat there like he’d never bloody heard of kittens! He let me put up all these posters and make a fool out of myself and he…he was the one.
He’s not my best friend anymore. I hate him. I HATE HIM. I never want to speak to him again. I hate him! I know he didn’t like them but this was just beyond.
Ps. Found Brasidas. He was in the kitchens with the house-elves. Regulus had Regulus told them to Regulus gave him to them.