(no subject)

Nov 08, 2009 22:38

Had absenthe for the first time last night.  It was delicious.  Everything got all bright and shiny, I felt amazing.
Drunk dialed Jinni, I think she appreciated the amusement.  If you didn't, Jinni, I'm sorry!
Had a good time with Melissa, Rachael, and Kristen - it was good to see them all again.  Took lots of pictures, all up on Facebook of course.

Woke up this morning with my head still swimming, which was kind of amazing.  Half an hour later, threw up.  Not so amazing.  Felt loads better afterward though, and at least I didn't throw up as much as I thought I would.

Today...went gallavanting down Bardstown Rd with Michael, Melissa, and Matt.  Went to a bunch of cute little shops, drove around to some comic stores, went to Best Buy (even when I'm out of town I can't seem to stay away from that place!!!).  Now, we're all just chilling at Melissa and Matt's place.  The boys are both playing Dragon Age: Origins  (one on the xbox, the other on the pc, it's pretty amazing).  Us girls are on the computer.

Melissa's mother has a Facebook. :(

Going home tomorrow, but so not ready to.  At least I don't work tomorrow.  I mean.... I'm working the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 midnight release, but that doesn't really count.
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