My Extreme Right Wing Tendencies Are Coming Out

Aug 29, 2006 18:58

I'm inside the D6 bus, from Mile End tube to Roman Road, when the old lady in the front starts screaming. She tries to stand up and slap a hooded teenage boy with red eyes but her grandson pulls her down. He tries to calm her down in what sounds like greek. But she won't be calmed. The hooded boy slurs that she should watch herself, not dis-respect him. The bus stops, he gets out and makes a gesture with his hand that he will shoot her dead. However, he saves his most threatening stare for her grandson.

Two boys in the back of the bus laugh and say that "she's going to kill him". Har har har. A stop later, the grandmother gets off with her upset grandson. The boys in the back laugh some more.

The majority of the people in the bus are elderly or yuppies. I'm standing and I move to the door as my stop approaches. I can't help but stare for a brief second at the boy in the back. He's shocked. Under his breath, as I look outside, he says "you staring at me? I've got your face marked as well."

I want to say "what if that was your mother, your grandmother? How would you feel if you saw her being dissss-respected like that?" But I don't say anything -- like everyone else -- and I walk home wondering when will I bump into those little shits again.

the wayward bus, london, satan rejected my soul, sweet and tender hooligan

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