I'll preface this post by saying - Normal People, Continue On Your Business. This is fandom!discussion that I doubt you care about. I'm fine, life is fine, you can now move on down your friend's list and not worry about the Wren. This is for Supernatural fangirls and boys alone, so yeah
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And just like that, Kripke GOT ME again.
"...oooo BARN and things BlOW UP and there's a ... hang on, that's John Constantine! What's John Constantine doing on my show! No, wait a minute, he's not Constantine... HOLY FUCK HE'S AN ANGEL SO THAT MEANS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE EPISODES, 'HOUSES OF THE HOLY', WAS A TOTAL RED HERRING AND ANGELS DO EXIST! Oh, and in five seconds he's gazing into Dean's eyes and wondering why he has no self-worth and OMG they are totally going to snog any minute now."
Yup. That pretty much sums up my reaction.
Also? I posted this in August 2007:
See how I was thinking thinky thoughts about angels all that time ago? *is proud* And that was probably my very, very first LJ post that wasn't fic. It troubled me that much.
... actually I was kind of a schoolgirl-fanboyingSam about the whole thing? I was like 'OMG THERE WILL BE ANGELS ON MY SHOW SOMEDAY!! MAYBE THEY'LL HELP SAVE DEAN AND DEAN WILL BE LIKE IN WITH GOD!!' After two seasons of SamIsTheImportantOne I really wanted Dean to be like, YesButDeanIsTheWarriorOfGod. I did that ALL of the third season. ALL of it.
And then Dean went to Hell and I was like ... 'Damnit. Maybe there is no God in this mythos? Oh Show. OH DEAN. How will Sammy get you out of Hell?'
Then see above. Sadly I did NOT get the John Constantine thing until someone pointed it out? *is bad comic geek*
Funny how you should say you were waiting for Dean to be the BigImportantOne after two seasons of Sam stealing all the limelight - I thought exactly the same thing. And yet if you mention that to some people they assume you hate Sam and that there's a whole Sam vs Dean undercurrent to the show, which there isn't at all. I love them BOTH, so, so much, and while I prefer Dean I still love Sam to death. Why do we have to choose sides, dammit?
And too many people are complaining about Show being all about Dean this year. Honestly, we're only half-done - who knows what will happen to Sam by the end? *pants in anticipation*
Man ... that is just idiotic. I love Sam. I have often said that Sam is the soul of the show, where Dean is the heart, and you can't have one without the other. There's a reason why it's DeanandSam, after all. And you're so right - there is so much more than can be done with Sam! His continuing struggle with the darkness within, his ohGOD "relationship" with Ruby (who I know has her own motivations for helping him, that are getting mucked up in the awesomeness of Sam). His relationship with the ANGELS, for crissakes. I haven't seen Sam have faith like a rock for three seasons not to get some payoff here.
Dean vs Sam. Bah, stuff and nonsense. This show is about the Winchester brothers. Do not begrudge Dean his storyline, world. We've been waiting long enough for it.
...also moar Castiel please. Maybe talking with Sam. That would be awesome.
I have my OWN theories about that whole 'Dean liked torturing people' thing, because you don't deal out that much pain and enjoy it, and then come back and HATE YOURSELF that much without something else going on.
Pray share! I'm intrigued!
All right, they put Dean on the fast track to demon-world, right? Stuck him down in the worst part, tortured him and tore him apart, because they needed to break him. He's important to Heaven and they need to take him out. He's down in the depths. The Depths, of Hell.
... how the hell did Castiel find him? Seriously. They just didn't leave him out to be snatched. He wasn't just chilling somewhere having a hot dog and a soda and Castiel yoinked him up. Dean may have enjoyed Hell - but I think? I think he might have been praying the entire time to be saved, even when he thought he wouldn't be.
I'm also intrigued that Castiel seemed to have pulled him out so easily - if he was no match for Alastair, how are we supposed to believe he was a match for all the demons of Hell?
Also? Castiel totally should've said "I'm the one who gripped you tight and yoinked you from Perdition."
Exactly. How else, after all, could it continue to be broken?
See, there's the thing, he had to have been a match for Alastair, because he was all, 'And I take you out with Angel-fu - uhm - why isn't this ... working? Ohcrap.' Maybe he just didn't run across a demon of Alastair's calibur in Hell, or maybe he was thrown off by the Anna situation. Hell, maybe he was thrown off because Anna had her hand on Dean's mark and his mojo got all messed up. There's more going on with that, and I'm sure Kripke will let us know.
Eventually. The bastard.
Yoinked is a good word. They totally should have. If I get a free trip on-set I'll let them borrow my genius.
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