i tried this lacing after seeing someone in
scrapbookers do it and it totally inspired me!
the journaling reads:
Last night, we were startled awake by one loud, gruff, forrest bark. we sat bolt upright and scrambled to get out of bed to rescue him, thinking only one thing... Forrest is in trouble. We raced around the apartment looking for him and found him in the bathroom to the right of the toilet, with his head behind the pipes. For any other dog, the logical thing would just be to back out of this tight place... her certainly wasnt "stuck." unfortunately, my precious Forrest lacks reverse gear. at 4:37 am, i wished i had gotten the camera. these pics will have to do. no reverse and stuck in the fridge. journaling 6/16/08.
and this is our jenny girl
and a small detail showing the popups...
and this one was a scraplift challenge... i probably shouldnt post it just yet, but whatever. i hate the thought of forgetting to upload when i am doing so well on my 366.
thanks for looking. feedback more than welcome.
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