ignoring the causes of Ghanaian weakness

Aug 01, 2014 12:10

After reading an article in re-connect Africa and a recent blog post in Efia's world, prompting thinking of suggestions.

Firstly, these two ladies to communicate and perhaps identify mutual opportunities to work together. Why? That is the ultimate reason for the current situation in a country such as Ghana. For a (presumably new) business-person, Elvina is surprisingly ignorant. Why does she promote a web site that is not active? Meanwhile, Benita correctly identifies the symptom (an import dependant economy) but offers the wrong cure (dollarisation). Whilst such an action is beneficial in an emergency (Zimbabwe, Argentina), it is not a permanent solution.

The real solution is business networking and producing goods and services for the international market that foreigners are prepared to pay for: aka exporting!!! Ghanaians and Africans in general must learn to create innovative products and services that the rest of the world wants to buy. That does not mean digging up something and selling it to foreigners to convert into something valuable. Ghanaians cannot continue to dig up gold and oil foreever and expect to live comfortably and sustainably.
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