Sunday: Lonely Prompt Challenge - Day 2

Apr 26, 2009 01:46

Happy Sunday everyone, and welcome to the second day of this weekend's Lonely Prompt Challenge! You've still got til the end of today (23:59 PST) to fill out as many Lonely prompts as you can. The winner will get 2 months paid LJ, and the secondary (secret) prizes for this month will receive shiny graphics.

As a note: This time you do not need to leave comments with links to your work. I was never able to finish the analysis of the first weekend, so I don't know yet if we'll switch over.

And remember, we've now got a way that you can assist the comm with the cash prizes. If you're willing and able, donations can be sent to Please help us out so we can continue to give you awesome prizes, and run amazing contests.

Now on to the good stuff!
Misc RPS/F
Crossovers I
Crossovers (Leverage & Supernatural)
Miscellanea A-G (includes Comics/GNs/Anime/Manga)
Miscellanea H-Z (includes Miscellaneous listing)

To help inspire you to write more, take a peek at some of our other completed Lonely Prompts from before the contest!

Buffy, Spike/Angel, payback
BtVS, Buffy/Faith, never send a man to do a woman's job (Supernatural)

Burn Notice, Victor/Michael/Fi, it's easier to get forgiveness than permission
Criminal Minds, Morgan/Reid, precious
CSI, Nick/Greg, "I can't take this anymore"
NCIS, Abby/Gibbs, are they or are they not?
NCIS, Gibbs/Abby, test
NCIS, Gibbs/DiNozzo, do something spontaneous!
Numb3rs, Charlie/Don, e-mail

Firefly/RPS, companion!Christian Kane/author's choice, superstitions from Earth-That-Was
Fringe/Lie To Me, Olivia/Peter/Eli Loker, "microexpressions are not a pseudoscience." "look at me and tell me if I'm lying to you, then."
Supernatural/Leverage, Sam/Dean + 5-years-old!Eliot, "How the hell did that happen?!"
RPS/Leverage, Goth!Steve/Goth!Chris/Were!Nate, breaking furniture
Leverage/Angel, Eliot/Lindsey, "unless you have a twin who can walk right passed twelve sensitive security cameras..." "let me make a call"
Leverage/Torchwood, Toshiko/Hardison, world domination
Spn/Angel Spike/Dean/Sam I want to play with your puppy
SPN/Angel, Sam/Lindsey, complete
Merlin/SPN, Pamela/Morgana, Can I tell you a secret?
Supernatural/Dark Angel, Fallen!Castiel/Alec, Someone I used to know
BTVS/ATS. Kid!Faith(Under 10)/Angel, author's choice

RPS, Chris/Jensen, Free
RPS, Jared/Jensen, tired of hiding

Harry Potter (next gen), Albus Severus/Scorpious, just like magic
Lost, Charlie/Sayid, Black and Gold
Merlin, Arthur/Merlin, bed scenes
Merlin, Lancelot/Uther, substantial
Merlin, Merlin/Arthur, takes his breath away
Pushing Daisies, Ned/Olive, rotten fruit
Merlin, Merlin/Arthur, lightning strikes
Merlin, Gwen/Morgana/Arthur/Merlin, happily ever after

RPS, cat!Chris/Steve, summer fields and fresh strawberries
RPS, winged!Chris/Steve, don't fall now
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, evoke
RPS, Winged!Chris/Steve, melt
RPS, kitt(y/en/teen!cat)Chris/Steve, mouse
RPS, teen!cat!Chris/Teen!Steve, learning to cook
RPS, Christian/Steve, falcon
RPS, kitten!Chris/vampire!Steve, what do kittens dream about that makes their noses and tails twitch?
RPS, Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, a dreamcatcher above your head
RPS, Chris/Steve, watching Leverage

Leverage, Alec/Parker, "let us never speak of this again"
Leverage, Eliot/Sophie, 'I don't have a white horse, but you can come along for the ride'
Leverage, Nate/Eliot, it's your call
Leverage, de-aged!Eliot/Nate, cuddle

Lotrips, Karl/Harry, first
lotrips, Viggo/Bean, Casablanca

Misc RPS
RPF or S, Hugh Laurie/Robert Sean Lenord, Punch in the dark
RPS, Rob Pattinson/Zac Efron, taken

author's choice, author's choice, "This used to be a funhouse, but now it's filled with evil clowns."
The Fast and the Furious 1, Brian/Dom, all kinds of family
House, House/Foreman/Thirteen, domestic
House, House/Wilson/Cuddy, disciplinary action
HIMYM, Barney/Lily/Marshall, behind closed doors
Neverwhere, Richard/Marquis, it never rains in London Below
House, House/dark!Wilson or House/Wilson!doppelganger, the stranger that looks like you
Scrubs, Cox/JD, medical lingo

Firefly, Mal/River, sex on the ship's bridge
Heroes, Mohinder/Adam, 'stop calling it love'
Primeval, Connor/Abby/Becker, stronger.

Stargate: SG-1, Cam/Daniel/Vala, limited gene pool
Stargate SG1, Geek!Sam/Geek!Daniel (Moebius verse), "we have to stick together"
SG-1, Jack/Daniel, so not home for the holidays...
SG-1, Jack/Daniel, "I was expecting you to kiss me weeks ago."

Stargate Atlantis
SGA, John/Rodney, Have you even seen Star Trek? because I don't think Kirk means what you think it means

SPN Sam/Sarah, phone call
SPN, Sam/Dean/OMC, mine.
SPN Sam/Dean, millennium
Supernatural, Castiel/Dean, a glimpse of Heaven
SPN, John/Dean/Sam, forbidden fantasies
SPN, Dean/Sam, VH1's The Tool Academy
Supernatural, Castiel/Dean, Dean has a vocal dream about Castiel. Sam gets disturbed by too much information.

!lonely prompts, !challenge

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