Wednesday - No RPS Day

Feb 25, 2009 10:48

It's NO RPS/F day!

Choose any fandom/s - SGA/1, Leverage, Torchwood... - and then choose a pairing - but no real people, male or female. Not even as a crossover with a fandom.

Please code your prompts correctly, though, and please only leave one prompt per comment. Your talented codemonkeys do have a hell of a job to do. Please leave your prompts like this:

--Psych, Shawn/Lassiter, pineapple upside-down cake
--Firefly, Wash/Zoe, in the Black

You can leave as many prompts as you want, answer as many as you want - and more than one person can answer a prompt. You can even write your own!
However, if you don't see anything you'd fancy writing from today, please, head on over to the Lonely Prompts page and see what you can give a home to over there.

Have fun!

fandoms: smallville, fandoms: stargate sg-1, fandoms: lotr, fandoms: burn notice, fandoms: doctor who, fandoms: ncis, prompts: supernatural, fandoms: boondock saints, prompts: slash, fandoms: criminal minds, fandoms: firefly, fandoms: dark angel, fandoms: pysch, fandoms: being human, fandoms: csi, fandoms: numb3rs, fandoms: btvs/ats, fandoms: chuck, fandoms: the sentinel, fandoms: torchwood, fandoms: stargate atlantis, prompts: heroes, prompts: comics, fandoms: leverage, fandoms: reaper, fandoms: bones, fandoms: battlestar galactica, fandoms: merlin, prompts: het, fandoms: x-files, prompts: scifi centric, fandoms: harry potter, fandoms: forever knight

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