title; duty calls
rating; pg
characters; Merlin, Arthur
summary; Arthur needs Merlin. Urgently.
a/n; written for the prompt "window" at
gen_drabble Arthur’s shouts for his manservant could literally be heard throughout the castle. Merlin hurried to his chambers, tripping over his own feet in his haste to get to Arthur.
“Yes, sire…” he panted, bursting through the door.
Merlin frowned when he saw Arthur lounging on his bed, munching on an apple. He hadn’t seemed to notice his presence.
“MERLIN!” he called again.
Merlin stepped more within his line of sight.
“There you are what took you so long?” Arthur said, finally seeing him. “Open that window, it’s boiling in here.”
Merlin glared at the prince. “Useless royal prat” he grumbled.