Title: Brave New World Song: This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars Note: I heard this song and it would figure that at the ‘Brave New World’ part I was like, HEROES. So there you go. Here this is.
Song: Love Song Requiem by Trading Yesterday Made by: commanderkari Fandom: Criminal Minds Characters/Pairing: Emily Prentiss Notes: SPOILER HEAVY FOR 'LAUREN'
Song: Quiet Little Voices by We Were Promised Jetpacks Made by: commanderkari Fandom: Star Trek XI Pairing: Kirk/Spock Notes: Jeeze, I haven't done a Star Trek vid in a while, have I? This is been sitting around for a while, waiting to be done, but here it is!
Song: Your Eyes Open by Keane Fandom: Sherlock (BBC) Pairing: Sherlock/John Notes: It's been so long since I've made a fanvid, but this one's been bothering me for a while. I love this show. I'm probably gonna make more fanvids. Just gotta find more songs that work.