
Aug 04, 2007 22:01

Emo....These people are fucked up. -__-; These newscasters.



The second one is even more bogus.

What the fuck. People are so stupid. Just because people cut, they think that they're emo. And that it's all brought on by depressing music. And that the music induces depression that would not be there otherwise.
That's total bullshit.  BULLSHIT.
My mom? She cut when she was younger, and emo never FUCKING existed. Princess effing Diana cut herself. 
What is this bull?

People think that they can stereotype something like that.
And that one "Emo Song" you know, that one that was something like "Cut my wrist and slit my throat" They can't actually be taking that serious? That song is a PARODY. Listen, they obviously haven't heard the Gangster song, by the SAME effing band.

Emo isn't just a black or white subject. Just because someone IS emo, doesn't mean that the music is the cause. They're blaming music.

And that black hair thing, My best friend cuts himself, I dunno if he calls himself emo, but he has BLOND hair! BLOND.

And fuck. I listen to black, not to match my effing soul, but because it's slimming. So fuck you stupid people. -__-;

Andand. I may call myself emo, but I don't WALLOW in my self-proclaimed depression. Depression is genetic so go screw yourself, thinking that music is the cause.

Have you EVER listened to country music? Ever listen to WHISKEY LULLABY?
That song basically tells you about a guy who got himself drunk and effing SHOT HIMSELF.
And that's not emo!? They screw over the songs that "promote depression" and ignore the dangerous music of country that basically promotes sex, and alcohol?

What? You never noticed?

Total bullshit. There's been music like this forever. They're just looking for a label for this.
Would they rather us listen to rap? And shoot OTHER people? That's total crap. 
Or pop? And have our females dress like whores?
Atleast "emo" kids wear fucking clothes.

And for the record, those people who call themselves emo, who cut themselves because of the music, typically are doing it for attention. Real cutters, with real depression try to hide their cuts, like Corey, he cut down above his ankle, and wore jeans.
And not all cutters have black hair, or wear dark clothes. You just don't realize it, because they don't show it off.

And they should My Chemical Romance in those videos. A lot! And do you realize how many LIVES their music SAVED?
People don't listen to "emo" music to depress themselves, they listen to music so they have something to relate to, so that they know that SOMEONE out there knows how they feel.

And it's true, a lot of emo kids do feel like they're not wanted. Another friend I have that cuts, her mom and dad are constantly drunk, and show her little to know attention.
Bet she feels wanted?

Bullshit. It's all bullshit. Most of emo is just a joke, a trend.

And that thing about guys wearing those girl jeans, and they showed a picture of those frilly things.
Guys don't make their "gender bending" that obvious. -__-;
And what the hell? Bikers wear girl jeans to.
So that the baggy jeans that are sold to guys don't get caught in their bikes. -___-;
And that eyeliner thing.
They don't quite wear it THAT dark.
And usually, eyeliner looks cool.

And that was TOTALLY punk first!

Andand, Have you seen the hardcore, and heavy metal bands? Did you see all the effing make-up they wore?
And like-- in the 80's I think it was, that glamour rock? Talk about gender bending.

They wanna see eyeliner, and hardcore gender bending.
-- Look at J-Rock, That's all I tell you.
Andand, Dir en Grey?
I mean really.

And since when is Fuel emo?
And Coheed and Cambria [I don't listen to them, but I highly doubt they are]


"You can see the scars on this girls arms."
No you can't.

Wallow in it. That's so pathetic. -___-;

And people don't EFFING kill themselves BECAUSE of music. It's usually something that happened in their life. Bullshit.

My dad was like "This is local news program isn't it?" And I'm like--Yeah. "Chances are it's total bullshit" my dad said.

But nobody worries about the people who don't show off their depression. No they ignore them until they start shooting people. -__-;

You don't need to look for emo teenagers. You need to look for TEENAGERS.
Some people just handle their depression differently.

And classical music? That's pretty effing depressing too. Josh Groban? That stuff is SAD. [I love it-- But really]


And this is the part two to that second link up there.
And I want to be like-- Yeah. You guys are stupid. Admit it. 

And how is Plain White T's, emo?

rants, shit talk, news, emo, bullshit

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