(no subject)

Apr 15, 2009 08:40

Well I do like memes.

Yzak Jule from "Gundam SEED/Destiny" (commander_bitch)

App Percentage: 79.5%
Played From: July 13th, 2005
That's How Long? Three years, nine months.
Total Comments: 46,024
Overall Pecentage: 51.50%
Reason For Apping: Yzak is my forever character. He's still my favorite character from my favorite series and that will be hard to change. I apped originally because I was enabled after having a load of fun in the SEED spin-off comm that a bunch of CFUDers were in. I barely knew what I was apping for, and didn't even know when my app went UP until Juri mentioned it in OOC notes in the other comm. To which I replied I would pollinate the masses once I got in. I have yet to do that.
Select Option 3? App Dearka. And Shiho. And Isaac. I NEED MY HAREM. Especially Dearka because we need the three Klueze squad guys back together. In all their retarded glory.

Tolle Koenig from "Gundam SEED" (sky_grasper)

App Percentage: 87.5%
Played From: September 7th, 2005 - April 22nd, 2006
That's How Long? Seven months+
Total Comments: 993
Overall Pecentage: 1.11%
Reason For Apping: After getting in with Yzak and having a ball, I wanted to app again. And since SEED is pure win, I wanted to play someone else from it. I always loved Tolle, too, and since I'd never played him before I figured why not! \o/
Reason For Dropping: Honestly, after a while I was like "I want to play a girl." And with SEED being pure win and me also loving Miriallia, I got the idea to app her. But didn't want to if I played Tolle at the same time, so dropped him a while before apping her. He had a good run.
Select Option 3? Tolle is adorable. ;o;b

Jona Roma Saran from "Gundam SEED Destiny" (gouf_up)

App Percentage: 83.3%
Played From: November 5th, 2005 - March 23rd, 2007
That's How Long? One year, four months
Total Comments: 2,180
Overall Pecentage: 2.44%
Reason For Apping: IT SEEMED FUN. I love SEED and after Yzak and Tolle, I wanted to play someone I could just have stupidfun with. Jona was obviously the best choice here, especially since we had a bigger cast back then.
Reason For Dropping: It was just his time after a little over a year. I had fun with him and felt good with it.
Select Option 3? Playing Jona was such a fun experience for me. I did it for the hilarity at first, but along the way when I had to think for him, I really came to appreciate him and understand his character more. I do miss him, and the sim death is still one of my favorite threads ever.

Brooklyn from "Gargoyles" (claw_and_wing)

App Percentage: 84.2%
Played From: March 3rd, 2006 - April 22nd, 2006
That's How Long? One month+
Total Comments: 222
Overall Pecentage: 0.25%
Reason For Apping: Gargoyles has always been one of my favorite shows ever. When the DVDs were released I orgasmed and then apped. Since Brooklyn was one of my favorite characters.
Reason For Dropping: The orgasm didn't last long. I STILL LOVE THE SHOW but playing him just didn't click with me, sadly.

Miriallia Haww from "Gundam SEED/Destiny" (see_eye_see)

App Percentage: 95.5%
Played From: May 25th, 2006 - March 23rd, 2007
That's How Long? Ten months
Total Comments: 2,929
Overall Pecentage: 3.28%
Reason For Apping: I WANTED A GIRL. Also Miriallia was so awesome and I always loved her. Enabled myself into it.
Select Option 3? With a knife. :)

Gaignun Kukai Jr. from "Xenosaga" (red_variant)

App Percentage: 78.3%
Played From: November 5th, 2006 - April 5th, 2009
That's How Long? Two years, five months
Total Comments: 29,523
Overall Pecentage: 33.03%
Reason For Apping: I fell in love with Jr. from the first time you get to him in the game, and I never let go. He is adorable and amazing.
Reason For Dropping: I had problems and after two years it was just getting clear that the time was coming. I held on to him as long as I could just in case, but no dice.
Select Option 3? Hahaha 12 year old!

Dio Eraclea #1 from "Last Exile" (immelmahhhnn)

App Percentage: 81%
Played From: March 24th, 2007 - June 29th, 2007
That's How Long? Three months
Total Comments: 2,290
Overall Pecentage: 2.56%
Reason For Apping: Last Exile was amazing and Dio is just one special snowflake. He's honestly the reason I liked the series, he was that cool.
Reason For Dropping: WELL I REAPPED SO THIS WAS A MISTAKE. I dropped him originally because I felt like I wasn't playing him enough.
Select Option 3? Needed Luciola. :(

Carlos Oliveira from "Resident Evil" (man_of_love)

App Percentage: 93%
Played From: November 25th, 2007
That's How Long? One year, five months
Total Comments: 1,241
Overall Pecentage: 1.39%
Reason For Apping: Resident Evil is my forever game. And I always loved Carlos since he came up in RE3. When UC came out and I saw that he was in it I freaked the hell out and it was all downhill from there when it came to apping. XD Especially since he's such a retard and I adore him as a character. That and I also loved Wesker and was like "o man I could never app him so I'll go this way" (HAHAHAHAHAHA)
Select Option 3? APP JILL. So I can try to option 3 her and get rejected.

Mikage Aki from "Ayashi no Ceres" (hiswifeasister)

App Percentage: 91%
Played From: February 3rd, 2008 - March 3rd, 2009
That's How Long? One year, one month
Total Comments: 833
Overall Pecentage: 0.93%
Reason For Apping: AnC was my SEED before SEED, and still is one of my favorite series of all time. Aki's always been my favorite character from it too. So when I reread Ceres again a few times I was like "I want to app!" I always wanted to app Aki in CFUD since I got in with Yzak, too.
Reason For Dropping: He was always a give or take character. I loved playing him when I did, and he was a lot of fun. But when I started slowing down play and realized I should really lighten my character load, I had to make the tough choice. ;;
Select Option 3? HE NEVER HAD THE CHANCE!!1

Tiger of the Wind from "Monster Rancher" (but_a_tiger)

App Percentage: 88.9%
Played From: April 28th, 2008 - March 3rd, 2009
That's How Long? Ten months+
Total Comments: 892
Overall Pecentage: 1.00%
Reason For Apping: I always loved Monster Rancher. ;o; The series is adorable and I love playing the games. Tigers were my favorite monster and I adored Tiger in the series. I rewatched the series when I found it online and ♥_♥. Decide to app.
Reason For Dropping: Same as Aki, really. I loved playing him but it slowed down, and then I wanted to drop a few characters. :( IT HURT, but I loved playing him and it was time, so that is what matters.
Select Option 3? Watch the series and play the games! They are both kickass.

Dio Eraclea #2 from "Last Exile" (immelmahhhnn)

App Percentage: 90%
Played From: July 28th, 2008
That's How Long? Eight months+
Total Comments: 1,126
Overall Pecentage: 1.26%
Reason For Reapping: Ever since I dropped him, and someone got me thinking of him/the canon, I always thought about how much I MISSED playing him. The miss was so strong that one day I went "now I feel like rewatching the canon. And I guess I know what's going to happen after that. 8D"
Select Option 3? APP LUCIOLA. And Claus, BUT LUCIOLA. ;o;

Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker from "Cry-Baby: The Musical" (eye_lube_you)

App Percentage: 90%
Played From: October 13th, 2008 - April 5th, 2009
That's How Long? Seven months
Total Comments: 487
Overall Pecentage: 0.54%
Reason For Apping: Discovering Cry-Baby when I went back to work was one of the best things ever. The show always made me so HAPPY and I loved it. IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME TO APP AFTER IT CLOSED because I actually fought temptation. Eventually, however, it topped me.
Reason For Dropping: He was a give or take, and I wanted to scratch the itch to play James Snyder on the internets because he is one of my Broadway crushes. I had a good time with him.
Select Option 3? I will send you this show if you ask me, it is fucking hilarious and great.

Red XIII/Nanaki from "Final Fantasy VII" (vicfurryfanfare)

App Percentage: 95%
Played From: February 15th, 2009
That's How Long? Two months
Total Comments: 469
Overall Pecentage: 0.52%
Reason For Apping: Red was always my favorite from VII from way back when. At AX last year I saw his upcoming figure, and went "I WANT THAT OMG." I got it at NYAF a few months later. It's been on my desk for a while and when reading the awesome VII cast's threads, I would look up at the figure and PONDER. I'd also been planning on replaying VII since I was replaying a lot of games. I got this urge that would not let go to replay VII next and did, with the plans to app Red from it.
Select Option 3? I will not yiff the Cetra. :( PS app Grandpa. And Tifa and everyone else in my cast.

Albert Wesker from "Resident Evil" (mygodlyright)

App Percentage: 92.2%
Played From: March 31st
That's How Long? 16 days
Total Comments: 162
Overall Pecentage: 0.18%
Reason For Apping: ... orz. LIKE CARLOS, RE is my favorite game series ever. Wesker was one of my favorites too but I was always "NO" to the idea of apping him because of the stress and awesome that he is being too much to handle. RE5 basically went "lol lol Tara lol look your app pattern you can't deny it anymore" and I was like "FUCK."
Select Option 3? APP CHRIS SO I CAN SCREAM YOUR NAME. Also everyone else so I can beat you up.


I've played here HOW long? 1,373 days
Overall Comment Count: 89,371
Average Comments Per Day: 65
Shortest Kept: Brooklyn
Longest Kept: Yzak Jule
Most Played: Yzak Jule
Least Played: Brooklyn
Highest Percentage: Miriallia Haww, Red XIII
Lowest Percentage: Gaignun Kukai Jr.
Overall: 14 in, 2 out
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