(no subject)

Aug 04, 2005 09:18

Ladies and Gents I died yesterday.

Yes, you read that correctly. I, Kellie, Died yesterday at approximately 10:26 am of Smallpox. Then I had a nice salad, with tea, and a butterfinger icecream bar.

And I'm not making this up.

Assuming you all saw the News yesterday (in TN that is.) you more than likely heard about the homeland security terrorist drills in seven counties. My county was the place where it ended and thus I got chosen to be part of this lovelylovelovely drill (still haven't any idea why they'd want to attack Springfield. Cows and Tobbacco, people, thats all we have here.). Basically it consisted of waking up at 5:15 am, going to the Springfield/Robertson County airport and hanging out until about 7:28 which is when the drill began there.

Pretty much we had to scream alot, act terrified of police officers (many of which used to work at the Middle School, so obviously we knew them) who were posing as terrorists with names such as Osama Yomama. Very fun.

After sitting on a hot, out of comission school bus for an hour and acting terrified of people we knew, we were ushered off. Our terrorists were promptly shot and we were demanded to get on the ground by the S.W.A.T. team. One of my fellow hostages died as well (it turned out to be four people who died. Two were shot, one died of Diabetes complecations. THEN YOU HAD ME WITH SMALLPOX ;D), and then we were ushered into the back of a S.W.A.T. van. From there we went to triage where were settled on different colored tarps (Red meant Critical, Yellow Non Critical, Green Walking wounded, and Black was dead. I was on Yellow. Don't ask how it works.) and those who were sick/injured were then placed in the back of Ambulances and the like and driven to North Crest medical center.

There I spent around an hour and a half laying in a bed. I started looking up (I went from being unconcious to being able to give them my stats in a few moment. They're miracle workers, let me tell ya.), even got well enough to go use the restroom.

Then I died.

And got to hang out in the morgue for around ten minutes (until the hospital came out from lock down, which it was placed under once they realized OMGSMALLPOX) and then the drill was over. From there it was lunch and briefings and then home.

For being dead I feel pretty damn good right now.

dead, smallpox, homeland security

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