Title: Get It Faster (Part III, Final)
Author: Liz
Rating: NC-17
Pairing:Billie Joe/Mike
Disclaimer: This never happened, and very likely will never happen. I made it all up. I don’t own Green Day, they are real people. No harm is intended, no money is made… blah blah blah
Notes/Summary:Billie has come over to Mike’s for one last night, but Mike
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Comments 25
Mike's emotions didn't change, but neither did Billie's -- that was definitely the right ending, and as tasyfa said, you didn't take the easy way out [Kudos to you for that :D].
I really don't know who to feel more sorry for, Mike or Billie. Billie obviously does have feelings of a sort for Mike, but the tug of his family is inevitably stronger, and I can almost feel his pain at being so trapped, so 'caught in the middle' so to speak. Mike, on the other hand, is the hopelessly in love character that we always love and feel for.
The realization almost hurt to read -- you knew that it was coming, and when the bombshell hit, I could really see it playing out before my eyes.
Hmm, seeing as this fic is mostly sex, I didn't know if the whole 'being able to see it happening' thing is good or bad, but still :)
And Mike knew with a certainty that turned his blood to ice that this was the truth, knew it as surely as he had known that those past I love you’s were false. I think that sentence really hit home; ( ... )
Onward...yeah, I guess this fic is mostly sex...hmmm..interesting, since sex is really what I'm most insecure writing. I think here I wanted it as a back drop that would highlight and intensify the emotions they were feeling...if that makes any sense. Hm.
And that line- Billie's tired line, that gave me the most trouble of anything, I nearly took it out, it almost seemed too...I don't know. But I left it in, because ultimately it fit, and I guess I was hoping people would catch that double meaning, again going back to the goal of sex tying in with emotions. ( ... )
*friends you right fawking back* ♥
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