Aug 03, 2006 00:43
I want to join this erstwhile society in Spain. The Almond Blossom Appreciation Society is the title of the latest book written by Chris Stewart, one-time Genesis drummer, turned bestselling writer. This book follows close on the heels of his previous successes 'Driving Over Lemons' and 'A Parrot In The Pepper Tree'. And epitomises my ideal of living in Spain. Chris leads an idyllic life in a remote, sunny part of Europe and continues to write a wonderful account of his Andalucian adventure, in this, his third book.
He writes about my dream. A life in the sun, punctuated by anecdotes of triviality, worries about water supply, the Olive harvest, the husbandry of animals and learning the language. With a wry sense of humour concerning his family's adoption of the rural Spanish way of life. Far better than Peter Mayle and his vision of Provence!
I tried again, this evening, to convince Ros that we should sell up and move to Malaga province. I am tired of the continuous inflationary busting increases in Council Tax and utility bills that we endure, the Human Rights Act that gives prevalence to criminals over victims, the undermining of our Health service by overpaid managers whilst doctors and nurses are made redundant and a government devoid of all credibility. For 'Rome burns whilst Nero fiddles', read 'Blair fawns with US celebrities whilst British troops are killed'.
I have a vote but I feel entirely devoid of making the changes that I want to see happen. With four others I run a modest business that thrives on endeavour. And we are constantly undermined by the Whitehall bureaucrats who take their lead from Brussels. Running a business here is a minefield, we act as unpaid tax collectors (VAT) for a government that provides small incentive for any business that is striving to be successful in Europe. I would receive far more support if I were to conduct my business from Spain, with no interference from the likes of John Prescott.
So, where's my thread here? Well, it's back to Chris Stewart and his bucolic way of life in Spain. A small farm with a few Olive trees sounds idyllic. I just wish I could convince Ros...