Writing Challenges

Oct 25, 2011 23:34

Psst! Hey you! Yeah, you! There's one week left to sign up for Make the Yuletide Gay! I hope all of you have signed up by now? If not, hurry up and go to it!

On the meta side, I wanted to talk a little bit about writing challenges in general this week. How many of you have participated in Sesa in the past? If not and you plan to sign up this year (yay!) what made you choose to take the plunge? Have you participated in other writing challenges? To be honest, popslash Sesa is the only fic challenge I've participated in thus far...other than writing for fic_requests I guess, if that counts? Generally I don't like to think of fic like an assignment, I like to take my time with fic and perfect it--which isn't to say that I didn't put time into Sesa, I did. But if there was another month, my stories probably would have turned out differently.

So how often do you participate in challenges, if ever? Do you feel like your writing style is different? What's your reaction when you receive a prompt? What's your process--do you start work immediately, or let it stew for awhile?

Happy writing, everyone!

sesa, meta!, challenge!

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