Volume 113, Issue 13

Aug 27, 2015 07:18

- wintersraine posted search for a fic that has Loki living with the Avengers in avengers_search.

- avamclean wrote "for want of pizza & beer". (Rated PG-13, MCU/Buffy crossover)

- mithen wrote "Heroes of the Squared Circle 60: World's Finest". (Rated PG, Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent)
- bradygirl_12 wrote "Watchtower Guardians I: All-American Hamburgers With Extra Pickles (1/1)". (Rated G, Jan O’Reilly, Steve/Diana, Sally Jenkins)

Drabbles and Ficlets
- nevacaruso wrote "Weaving Webs". (Rated PG, Dottie Underwood, Johann Fennhoff)
- sweet_chi wrote "Mean Green and the Killing Machine". (Rated PG-13, Buffy/Avengers crossover)
- beri_fanfic wrote "There's Always A Dive Bar Somewhere...". (Rated PG-13, Buffy/Avengers crossover)

- salmon_pink wrote "Out Of The Box". (Rated G, Edward/Bruce)
- indraleigh wrote "Worried About Buffy ". (Rated , Buffy/Lois and Clark crossover)
- indraleigh wrote "When Kryptonite Strikes". (Rated PG-13, Buffy/Lois and Clark crossover)

- comics_ic has Reminder for CHALLENGE #80: Heart On Your Sleeve.
- comicdrabbles has Challenge 131 - out on a limb.

- violateraindrop posted Matt Murdock (Daredevil) icons.
- clarahow posted #80: clarahow (4 icons).

If your post wasn't linked in today's comicstore_news, it may be because your header lacked information necessary for us to compile it. For fanfiction, we need a title, rating and either a pairing or character/s. For art, we require a rating and character/s. Check our user info for the kind of header we require.

Please leave a comment on this post with anything you'd like us to check out. To contact us regarding general comicstore_news questions or concerns or with information, please email comicstorenews@gmail.com.
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