Challenge 22

Feb 09, 2013 17:28

Thank you to everyone who participated in challenges 020 (this is overdue but I forgot, I'm sorry!)

navaan ♥ ♥ and i_llbedammned ♥!

and 021
katleept ♥, quirkysmuse ♥, navaan ♥, tarradiddle12 ♥, gruskek ♥, rileyc ♥ ♥, athena_phoenix ♥!

(A ♥ represents a drabble/ficlet of exactly 100/200/300/400/500 words, a ♥ represents a drabble/ficlet of other lengths.)

Challenge 022 - "Putting on weight" as suggested by ryu19

Seeing as I'm late with the prompt (sorry!) you have time as long as it's Saturday in your time zone.You can write up to 500 words for each individual drabble/ficlet, but no higher. All comic-based fandoms are welcome. For more detailed rules and the posting format, please visit this post.

*challenge post, challenge 022

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