#001 -- For Once (DCU), Take A Drink (DCU), I've Heard About That Guy (Marvel movie!verse)

Jul 10, 2012 08:09

Title: For Once
Fandom: DCU -- Justice League International, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle
Character(s): Booster Gold, Ted Kord
Rating: G
Word count: 302
Warnings: None.
Challenge: #001 - First

Booster cringed, hunching down behind the human barrier of his friend, waiting for the loud noise, the crash of everything around them. He pulled a finger from one ear to hear nothing but the silence of the lab. A tentative sniff brought no smoke. Blinking behind his visor, Booster stood to his full height and peered over Ted's shoulder.
In similar fashion, Ted blinked and removed his goggles. "Well, that's never happened before..."

"What did it do?" Booster asked, putting his hands on Ted's shoulders to maintain the shield between him and a possibly unforgiving doom.

"Nothing. A whole lot of fat nothing!"

"Well, are you expecting it to try something anytime soon?"

Ted covered his face with his palm, sighing in frustration. "No... It already burned through the reaction. I musta gotten something wrong somewhere...

Booster brightened. "Hey, here's an idea! Let's go celebrate!"

Ted blinked, looking at Booster with a confused glare. "And what exactly would we be celebrating?"

"Not blowing up the world for once," the time traveler smiled.

Sputtering, Ted flailed a little, nearly knocking over some his more experimental equipment. "You make me sound like a super villain!"

Booster shrugged. "You'd never make it. You tend to lean toward one-liners and parting quips. Keeps you from spouting any decent monologues, so you're safe. How about a beer? It's a great way to celebrate saving the world~!" he sing-songed at his friend.

"I guess I can never really pass up a beer," Ted grinned ruefully, patting Booster on the shoulder. "You're buying, since you suggested."

Smiling as innocently as he could, Booster gave a tiny laugh. "Oh, gee, I seemed to have left my wallet in my other power suit..."

"But you conveniently have your ID?"

"Sure. I'm not that stupid," Booster grinned as they headed to the door.

"You've had me fooled," Ted laughed as Booster gave him an indignant pout.

Title: Take A Drink
Fandom: DCU -- Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps
Character(s): Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner
Rating: PG
Word count: 225
Warnings: Discussions of underage drinking. Mention of child abuse.
Challenge: #001 - First

Hal grinned at the bottle in his hand. "I remember... I was over at a friend's house. Pretty sure we were in middle school. His dad had the basement fridge full, a few guys were supposed to be coming over for poker night, something like that. They wouldn't have missed a few. They wouldn't have noticed at all if my buddy hadn't puked all over the living room." He shrugged and took another drink.

"I snuck my pop's beer," Guy said, taking a sip from the bottle in his hand. "I was probably four? I dunno. Young and stupid enough. Thought if he did it, I could do it, too, and be just like'em. He knocked me around when he caught me." He snorted, shaking his head. "You'd think that would put me off the stuff. Never did, apparently."

"Highschool," John started. "Freshmen year. Homecoming, I think. A bunch of guys were out back of the gym, smoking and passing a flask between them. Stronger than beer, but the same thing, right?"

Kyle finished his bottle off and lined it up against his first for the night. "I, uh. Was on a date. She had a bottle of... something under the passenger seat of her mom's car. Ugh, it was like paint thinner." He laughed and ducked his head. "That's about all I remember about the date, too."

Title: I've Heard About That Guy
Fandom: Marvel cinematic universe -- Captain America
Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Rating: PG
Word count: 232
Warnings: None.
Challenge: #001 - First

Word was getting around back home about some hero on the front lines, and it made Bucky snort. Even Steve was writing to him about this super soldier poppycock. Fiction was good and fun, but fiction wasn't helping to win the damn war. So when the guys hung around the USO poster of Captain America, laughing at the gaudy uniform, Bucky didn't pay any attention to them. He wasn't going to waste his time when he had more important things on his mind, like surviving. A few weeks later, a comic book surfaced, was passed around by the guys in their tents. Bucky couldn't help but flip through it, thinking about Steve and how he was probably eating the series up. He always liked that kinda stuff, the art and heroics and things like that. He passed by the USO poster again, a new one detailing show dates of when the guy, Captain America, was supposed to hop on stage and do his little song and dance. He was caught for a moment, looking up at the face there for the first time, it felt like. The mask hid quite a bit, but Bucky got a look, a good look at the eyes. If the guy wasn't so damn big, he could have sworn... Nah, it couldn't be...

He got to meet the guy in person. And damned if it wasn't Steve.

character: john stewart, fandom: captain america (movie), author: chibimono, character: booster gold, character: hal jordan, character: ted kord, fandom: dcu (main continuity), character: bucky barnes, character: kyle rayner, character: guy gardner, challenge 001, character: steve rogers, fandom: marvel cinematic universe

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