Friend or Foe (Batman; Bats/Cats; R/M; #129: Friend or Foe)

Aug 11, 2015 06:55

Title: Friend or Foe
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Batman
Character/Pairing: Batman/Catwoman
Rating: Soft R/M
Challenge/Prompt: #129: Friend or Foe
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 415
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to DC Comics, not the author, and are used without permission.

He is acutely aware of every eye in the small apartment being trained upon him. He knows they are uncertain what to make of him, whether he is friend or foe, and he is almost equally uncertain what to make of them. He's petted them before, stroked them, cuddled them, but it's been a while. More recently, he's been at the receiving end of their claws.

He's adept at coping with most enemies, but he's never certain what to do about these beasts when he's made foes of them. It happens so easily, and yet it's so hard to regain their trust. They would all, he suspects, prefer to dig their claws into his flesh rather than let him linger here. They've bitten him before, scratched him. One even launched herself at his face once, and another at a far more private and intimate area of his body.

Then there are the unspeakable things they do to his clothes. He's had to create more than one new uniform after leaving their quarters before. They've shredded his capes, pooped on his boots, peed on his utility belt and Batarangs, even sprayed his cowl. He grimaces at the memories, but he stands his ground still for he understands from where they are coming.

They don't hate him. They have very little opinion one way or the other of him himself. Their actions all have to do with their mother. They are his friends as long as he makes her happy, but when that smile disappears, when she hisses and snatches away from him or, worse yet, cries because of something he's screwed up yet again . . . That is when they become his foe.

Bruce sighs as he removes his cowl, folds it carefully, and slips it into a hidden compartment on his Batbelt where he hopes it will be safe. He never wants to make them angry nor does he wish to anger or upset their mother, but things do tend to go easily awry between he and Selina. He hopes tonight is not one of those nights. He hopes he can keep her happy tonight.

He gulps suddenly as a shadow falls across the light in which he stands. He looks up, gulps again, and hopes fervently with all his heart and being that he really can keep Selina happy this night as the mother of all the cats, big and little, around him prowls up to him, bare naked and ready for loving.

The End

author: katleept, fandom: dcu (main continuity), character: bruce wayne, challenge 129, character: selina kyle

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