I threw a wish in the well (Batman - girl!Riddler/Batman)

Aug 10, 2015 17:13

Title: I threw a wish in the well
Fandom: Batman
Pair: alwaysagirl!Riddler/Batman
Rating: G
Word count: 500
Challenge: #129 friend or foe
Summary: Edie always knows how to play the Batman.

I indeed wrote more than 500 (523 :'D) words but cut it down so it would fit here xD original here

She keeps running, not hearing a single footstep behind her but nevertheless knowing he’s still at her purple heels. She huffs angrily. Of course she had to choose THIS day from any other to try and wear these new stilettos.

Edie Nygma dares to slow down, breathing heavily, her feet burning. Darn it …

“Getting tired already?”

His dark voice is taunting her and she hates him even more for this. She sighs and regains her composure, grins while turning around. “The price you pay,” she answers and throws her hair back. “But you can’t deny I look fabulous.”

As always Batman stands behind her as if he had never moved at all.

“Cooperate and let me take you back to Arkham,” he says finally.

Edie sighs and starts approaching the Dark Knight, slowly, making her hips sway with every step. “Sorry, but orange isn’t really my color,” she breathes as their faces are just inches away. He can see her forehead glistening, but the purple eye shadow looks perfect; as always.

He doesn’t even flinch as she brings her hand up suddenly, holding a silver coin between her fingers. It catches the light of a street lamp in Gotham Park and shimmers for a second as she turns it this and that way. “Want to make a wish?” Edie whispers.

“Quit the games,” he demands, one corner of his mouth twitching disapprovingly.

She laughs softly and cocks her head, looking almost lovingly at him. “Have you ever seen me doing that?” she asks and raises her head, lays her lips on his. He’s not backing away, the taste of her lipstick stirring up memories he’d rather forget. Or would he?

When they part there are still no emotions in his striking features, and nothing but playfulness in hers.

“Go back to Arkham with me, Edie,” he asks of her again, but now his voice is also soft, pleading almost - or at least that’s what she likes to think. “Go and get the help you need to return to a normal life.”

“Mh,” she ponders eyeing the coin. “Maybe I should wish for that.”

Edie walks past him, flips the coin in the well that stands in the park. He eyes her every move, his gaze then following the coin until it hits the water with a small splash.

“I threw a wish in the well, don’t ask me, I’ll never tell,” she says in a sing-song voice, her mischievous grin returning and his patience running out.

“Edie, it’s over, you-“

He starts to approach her again but stops when an explosion can be heard and purple smoke rises from the water of the well. In the blink of an eye all he can see is purple and the only sound to hear her laughter.

“Maybe next time, hon! Ta-Ta!” Edie chirps, and when the smoke is finally gone, so is she.

And though he should be angry and frustrated, Batman simply licks his lips and allows himself a little smile.

author: killing_kurare, character: edward nygma, character: bruce wayne, challenge 129, fandom: batman the animated series (tv)

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